Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Married Congratulation

Botschaft von Artaris

your beloved lights of the earth that you are here.
Greetings in your being and in your work.
let you in to touch the light of the Unicorns, now let you
flood of the unicorn power inherent in every one of you

I'm Artaris and I'll bring over again through the medium
a message. I speak on behalf of the High Council of the Unicorns
around you continue on your way to the perfection of your being
begleiten.Ich to convey to you the same pure light of creation, which wants to touch your heart, so you see more and more could be that your true high light beings are here on earth.

And therefore it is of importance that you begin to build yourself a relationship. That you begin to explore yourself and go exploring. For know that you are not what you believe to be. You are much more than you can imagine at all. You are so very different in your
true nature, that their seid.Erkennt in fact, that only when your in you even arrive, then the State will also order so for you, just as in the great scheme of creation for is provided to you and what you have done to you. So you have all the big dreams and wishes that you all your want to meet, and this shall ye do. Lives and recognizes your vision that you carry within you.

But this, it is important that you realize who you really are, always were and will be. Believes and does not believe that someone is out there and do this for you.
It is up to you how you handle yourself. Respect and honor your light within you.

If you answer the question: How do you
goes with you to yourself?
What about your appreciation of yourself over?
how much you love yourself?

These are all questions that you would like to ask you please. What do you expect from others what you yourself nicht gebt ? Werdet Euch darüber bewusst, Ihr könnt niemals vom Außen etwas erwarten, was Ihr selbst nicht lebt oder Euch selbst nicht zugesteht. Und wir möchten Euch sagen, es steht Euch zu. Nehmt an all die Liebe die Euch gegeben werden möchte, denn Ihr seid Liebe. So lebt diese und nehmt diese für Euch an. Wertschätzt Euer Sein und Euer Tun an jedem Tag, in jeder Stunde, in jedem Augenblick.

Wisset, all das Außen, seid Ihr selbst. Alles ist letztendlich ein Abdruck Eures Selbstes. Dies möchte Euch im Außen immer wieder gezeigt werden. Und je aufmerksamer Ihr seid, desto mehr Heilung kann für Euch und in Euch geschehen. Fühlt immer wieder, was in Euch geschieht wenn ihr mit verschiedenen Menschen will face. Feel in you always get back in as many facets of each light. Will you aware that every person who is facing you, is a great light, just as you are.

Every human being is perfect and a wonderful soul that has chosen to be here on earth to fulfill its plan for yourself, for the good of humanity and on behalf of the entire Schöpfung.Und we want you now call this to see that light and perfection in each other, to respect and honor. You will know when you do this, that pulsates in the human in the same life as you. In the duality you must know you live two polarities und ihr habt dieses auch gelernt zu unterscheiden zwischen Gut und Schlecht. So bewertet Ihr oftmals Menschen oder Situationen nach ihren äußeren Schein wie es sich scheinbar darstellt.

Ihr geht dann in Resonanz damit und in Euch löst es dann bestimmte Muster aus, welche in Euch vorhanden sind und wirken. Euer Emotionalkörper reagiert darauf und Ihr sprecht dann oftmals Dinge aus, welche in dem anderen Menschen Euch gegenüber wiederrum eine Resonanz auslöst. Und so ist es ein Kreislauf in dem Ihr immer wieder auf äußere Umstände reagiert.

So möchten wir Euch bitten, dass Ihr beginnt in der Sprache der Liebe zu antworten. Bevor Ihr sprecht, fühlt in Euren Körper, fühlt in Euer Herz und let your heart speak. This does not now that you have to say yes to everything, it just means that your no longer living out of your emotions and acts. For, you will then begin to act out your true essence and to speak out and this is the true way to her
then go. The path of the heart.

The Unicorn force will support you to do so. It is a pleasure to watch us at the level of light and reality to you and support you on your way to the true being that you are. We unicorns it is to send pure light, to create healing and transformation in your emotional fields. There are still many injuries there. Many painful experiences you've seen in many incarnations. Especially Lemurian pain is in you. But we want to tell you all this pain would now be cured, so your all and all will unfold around you're here on earth. To your potential, to live your skills
and implemented. Each of you has brought so many gifts and skills.

All these want to be again awakened in you. Various aspects of the light will be revealed in you. So take this for you, no longer hiding your light, for you are
light carriers, messengers of light for this world.

We invite you now to charge you in the oasis of light. Take now true that you facing a unicorn. Take was, as it sees you in your eyes and you reflect pure love and pure light. You recognize your self in the eyes of the unicorn. Feel now, like you flooded this power. Feel that strength in you. You feel worn on the back of the unicorn. You feel this ease the lively and gives you the joy of life. As true then, as you ride on the back of the unicorn
through the oasis of light, like an elf to your light shine through the universe beyond, in all star levels. Take

true all that is around you. You create your reality, you create your visions and dreams and know that everything possible is. But this is not only possible to the back of a unicorn, it is all possible in your world where you live. Although it apparently seems to be impossible, so we would like to ascribe courage. Believes and trusts that your dreams will come true.

reconciles you to identify yourself with you and starts to make you aware of who you really are. Observed life, watching each moment as it presents itself. Is alert and awake
by your everyday life behind and recognizes every person, every situation behind behind the truth. Learn to look deeper and let you not be deceived by the memories of your pain body, but to have
Courage to look. To look for truth, which would be revealed in you. For it is itself the way to you so it is really no way for you to go, for you are perfect wonderful beings of light. But the fact that you have forgotten this your a path for yourself to remember it again.

that case, know what you all will be shown outdoors would be corrected and healed in you. The more you can rest in yourself and love are, no matter what would be represented in the outer you, the more you will dive into the reality.

Beloved lights let you say that the awakening force is steadily increasing. And the more careful you are, desto wacher werdet Ihr werden. Ihr werdet ankommen im Hier und Jetzt und Eure Kraft die Ihr seid verankern. Ihr werdet dann erkennen, dass Ihr nie aus der Einheit der Liebe gefallen seid. Ihr werdet erkennen, dass Ihr nicht abgetrennt seid und so wird sich immer mehr Euer innerer Schmerz der scheinbaren Trennung zwischen Euch und der Quelle selbst auflösen. Ihr werdet Euch wieder sicher fühlen, die Wärme
und die Geborgenheit spüren und vor allem werdet Ihr wieder die Essenz der Liebe die Ihr in Wahrheit seid fühlen und leben können.

Und in diesem Moment wird Euer wahrhaftiges Schöpfer sein hier auf Erden beginnen. Ihr werdet dann erkennen, dass Ihr die Schöpfer Eures Lebens seid und erkennen dass Ihr EINS seid mit ALL THAT IS.

So I now touch with my horn, which presents the spiral of ascension your heart. So may now here and now all the power and love that your needs will flow into you. So your more and more begin to believe your own light within you and radiate constantly aware of this so that all of this what makes you manifested here on earth.

I'm Artaris and submit to you the blessing in the name of the Unicorns. Know you're out, you are loved, you are great lights. Lights of this world, so this world will again be a shining sun
of love and unity. As you know in these times of Lemuria and left you this in remembrance is as it once was. Feel this in memory of you and let them back on it again and again to be fulfilled to the one life.

accompanied the power of unicorns you all the time! Greetings and love!


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