Monday, August 30, 2010

Can I Put Acrylic Nails On Bitten Nails

Übermittlung von Botschaften der geistigen Welt

as the medium it is my responsibility, knowledge and to convey messages from the spiritual world. Of angels, ascended masters, star beings or natural objects.
The intention of this nature is to meet again to remember who we really are. The fact that we are far more than we think we are or we can introduce ourselves and that we can shape our lives according to our wishes and in accordance with all creation.

that everyone is a conscious individual expression of being. As a human we are all born here on earth to gather experience. To get us to do yourself, to learn as bright beings in a human body. All masters, angels ...... are working hard to support us.

If words are transmitted, so it's not just words or information which is sent to us. At the same time it also flows much healing energy that is available to everyone. Thus, while the transmission of messages happen, much healing.

memories of the true self can be activated. Reminders that there is no separation, but that's all one unit. For there is no separation zwischen der geistigen Welt oder zwischen den einzelnen Menschen. Jeder ist ein Teil des anderen und doch in seinem Ursprung einzigartig. Erinnerungen daran, dass wir nicht nur Mensch sind, sondern dass wir Schöpfer sind und uns alle Macht innewohnt und uns ALLES zur Verfügung steht in jedem Augenblick unseres SEINS.

Die geistige Welt kann uns die Schritte, die jeder von uns zu gehen hat, um sich selbst zu erkennen, nicht abnehmen. Es ist die Aufgabe eines jeden Einzelnen, sich selbst zu bemeistern, die Herausfordungen anzunehmen, welche sich hier auf Erden immer wieder offenbaren. Dies dient uns schließlich, um zu wachsen.
But we are born with lots of love, patience and understanding of the spiritual world so that we can see again just as what we are and always were, but we have not lost sight of when we decided to the density of the duality dive.

For, in truth and in fact, we are all perfect beings. Being the origin of the bedinungunslose love. So it is up to ourselves, from the duality of coming out of unconsciousness to consciousness. By unconsciousness, life is often as complicated and difficult dar. Many problems often emerge from the stick and hold it by feelings, emotions or situations.
Beautiful things always want to be held, unpleasant things like be replaced, you will not look then. But in the unit, the conscious being, there is not a beautiful or
ugly. Everything must be, no matter how it presents itself.

Only if we hold something, we are creating the problems, worries and sorrows. Life itself is not complicated, it's easy. But the more we awaken from our unconscious, the more we will know can see that we are who create the life as it is zeigt.Und so that we can remind us of our true being and recognize us as Creator, can the spiritual world is at our side.

through their messages and healing energy, it is easier to us, we again find themselves, to arrive in the very being that we are. Thus, a deep peace with all that is created. We are seeing more and more, can we have arrived in the HERE and NOW!


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