Wednesday, August 25, 2010

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Bedingungslose Liebe und Beziehungen der neuen Zeit

Unconditional Love!
What is unconditional love?
What are we to understand by this?

Does that mean ...

... that you have to accept everything as it is?
... that nothing more can say no?
... that one should submit to all, because it is supposed to love unconditionally?

None of this is meant by unconditional love. In truth this is just a term, word, how to define love. But in reality one can love, which is simple, not in words.
This is a state of being that was always is and always will be. All creation is the foundation of love emerged and this foundation is now back
be lived and experienced here and now of each individual.

to live the love that does not, the calls do not does not depend, requires nothing, but simply love without "ifs and buts." Is there only one reason why one loves a man, there is no true love. For true love is flowing all the time and always in every heart and that takes no reasons. It is simply free and takes just unabhängig.Liebe would be given to what, in freedom and truth, without thinking about what it would have to make sense. It is a mutual "give and take," we all support each other in love and if it can just flow freely can so much happen to healing, healing of the heart.

But is not that we sometimes can not say "NO". Even a "no love is in conformity of our own inner truth, because then it is right opposite the other, even though it is often not in the field seems to be. often violate is the ego, because it will have that you know, everything always have different wants and can often be very demanding. But His love can not be violated, knows no pain or suffering. This pain is, one's own pain that arises when one is not even filled with the love that connects everything. It is its own separate of the whole.

To be able to love someone other really, it is very important that you yourself feel for the respect and appreciation. That you realize that you yourselves that love. For more aware of their ever loving yourself, the more you, is that nothing is outside of you, the more can and you will love the flow on the outside, because you radiate it. How the

not love outdoors, are not in the expectation, not in the idea that you can give someone else this love. He or she can not give you the back of this inevitably leads to a dependency, but the love is so resistant and flow freely. This can not have, can not be limited to structures or ideas.

How can it be that they say as someone "I love you" .... and after a certain time, the person again, leaving the love? This is not true love, only love that has taken
and when you do not get this love from that, they can often turn to hate!! Is that love?
This is in truth only hurt the ego and basically, it gets only hurt yourself, because you reject this love in itself. We recognize that love is everything, it is also the pain and suffering, everything is close together
doch übrig bleibt nur die Liebe, der Respekt und die Wahrheit.

So kennt ihr dies, wenn ihr oft einem Menschen begegnet, spürt man oft, dass einem einfach das Herz aufgeht. Man fühlt so eine Wärme, eine Vertrautheit und eine Geborgenheit und dieses Gefühl möchte man dann gar nicht mehr loslassen, sondern festhalten. Man sieht oft diesem Menschen in die Augen und erkennt sich plötzlich darin selbst, man spürt so eine unendliche Liebe, die alle Grenzen auflöst. Dies kann oft auch Angst bereiten, Angst diese Liebe in sich zu spüren, Angst sich dieser Liebe zu öffnen, vor der man sich lange Zeit verschlossen hat, um nicht wieder Verletzung oder Schmerz zu erfahren.

So ist es dann oft so that one turns away from this man, but in reality is a great opportunity, to reinstate this love in itself. But such wonderful healing connections between two people can often lead to false conclusion, because it immediately mistaken for relationship or one has the feeling of what the person wants one. It's just the love that would flow to each other, without having to meet demand, or something you will not. But this requires both alertness, to look, what would be given to what would be seen no more or less often.

But in this time now and the time is now, more and more soul mate sich treffen, Seelenpartner sich begegnen, die lange Zeit getrennt waren, was aber nicht heißt, dass dies alles
in Beziehungen endet.Die Liebe ist frei und kann und soll auch fließen, ohne mit jemanden in Partnerschaft zu leben.

Um genau diese Liebe zu erfahren, die einfach ist, kommen oft und in Zukunft immer mehr Menschen in euer Leben für die ihr viel Liebe empfindet und empfinden werdet, und dennoch ist es nicht euer PartnerIn. Denn hier geht es eben darum einfach zu lieben was ist. Sich dieser Liebe zu öffnen, zuzulassen aber auch wieder loszulassen. Diese Einheit zu erkennen in sich selbst und im anderen.

Denn wie ihr wisst, sind wir alle EINS und diese Einheit wird uns durch solche menschliche Seelen mirrored and clear. You recognize your light in the eyes of others. And this feeling is, then so beautiful
that one wants to maintain it and this leads back to pain, because you can not see that you yourself this feeling, this love are.

love need not hold you, and that is always flowing. The more you open your heart, the more it stretches you in this love for yourselves and to all others, the more everything is in harmony and you will increasingly see that you yourself this, anyone want your outdoor needs, the you can give this love, or should be.

As I mentioned, love connects everything and everyone, every Part of it and it is not separated from each other. Then go into consideration and respect for each other, be affectionate, especially in the
relations of the New Age.

For if a relationship is only true if this love is lived by each and:

+ Both are completely free, indoor and outdoor
+ Both are in your power, and they live independently of the other
+ If both know all the time what they want and not want
+ If you can rely on each other on it, that after the word action follows
+ for a foundation of love, of respect, appreciation and respect for both exist,
on Both can build the
+ Perfect trust, in which one can simply let go

In the relations of the new age is all the other the space to develop to develop according to his pace. The mutual respect for each other happened in a natural way.
None can hurt the other because everyone is from the highest point of pure love.
One promotes the other, respects ihn.Jeder perceives that the partner wishes to support and lend their support, but he pressed him, but respects the free will in its decisions, actions and achievements. He assisted by his presence, his loving life without to demand, without interfering with the other and reinforce their own light, the view and the view point of the

Each is healing and comfort, without itself being eliminated or losing in the other, to the heart so that it is aware of oscillation strongly felt. It's like a magnetic attraction charisma who carries out any party as a blessing.

Many partnerships of the past must be raised to a new level
or dissolve. New partnerships are combined, as if by taking a soul to another, and it is immediately felt. The games of the past have no place in which the mutual affection is
wichtig.Wertschätzung It also means, in words expressing aware of what an emotion. Self-responsibility is, to face its own inner truth and then act

But is it of importance to do the highest good of both or all parties involved in that. No one need be afraid of hurting others or hurting him, this is not possible to hurt the love is not. If you feel the truth in you, say, from this, because it can never so vulnerable than when you are not living your truth, otherwise you hurt not only yourself but also
the others.

The relations of the new era, it includes many things, it also takes great courage
. The Mut zur Wahrheit und Wahrhaftigkeit.Doch nur dann, ist eine Liebe frei von allem was ist. Jeder ist frei in seinem SEIN und doch ist es ein Miteinander. Ein gemeinsames Wirken auf allen Ebenen, doch nicht nur für Euch, sondern für alle Menschen und für die Welt, die diese bedingungslose Liebe so dringend braucht, um weitervoranzuschreiten in ihrem Bewusstsein, sodass wieder Harmonie und Frieden
herrscht untereinander.

Dann kann ein großes Ganzes entstehen und jeder trägt dazu bei, indem man einfach liebt, einfach ist, in seinem einfachen DASEIN, nicht mehr und nicht weniger.


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