Thursday, August 5, 2010

Realtek Gbe Fe Ethernet Nic Driver

Wandlung und Erneuerung / Artaris

Erneut senden wir euch unser Licht, unser reines weißes
Creation of light, which will renew you in your
body here on earth.

I'm Artaris and talking to you, since it is precisely in this period is very important to experience healing and achieve transformation. Now is the time of renewal. This means that you will you re-create on a daily, in every moment, the more I which you are aware and will. Steeped in history, a lot of old is now going more and more of you. But many things must again be seen by you, will feel recognized and ultimately
be transformed. And that is why we are now increasingly present with our vibration, with our light that shines within you all the stars up in levels.

send more and more strengthened and we made our light to you, so that change can happen in your thoughts and actions. So your more and more from your I AM Presence out lives and elevates you. Conversion is happening in your feeling,
in your perception. You will begin to look beyond the horizons. You will begin to recognize the reality of being more and more, as ye know, the reality is free from all illusions, all fallacies. This is free from all ideas and expectations. It is value-free and filled with love and wisdom.

Even you are this love and this wisdom, you carry it all in you. So let your inner wisdom flourish, so Ihr strahlt wie eine Sonne, welche das Dunkel erhellt. Denn je mehr Ihr strahlt, werden sich auch dunkle Schatten anderer Menschen lichten, in dem Ihr ihnen nur begegnet. Erkennt an, dass aus Euren Augen, das Licht und die Weisheit strahlt. Seid reines Herzens und fühlt und denkt mit dem
Herzen. Wir Einhörner, wir sind reinstes Licht und alle die reinen Herzens sind, werden unsere Energie wahrnehmen. Ihr werdet es ganz deutlich spüren, dass wir an Eurer Seite sind und Euch begleiten werden, gerade jetzt in dieser Zeit, wo
so viel an Erneuerung geschieht.

Und dieses wird sein. Alle Schwingungen und Energien werden zur Verfügung gestellt. Und wisset, je mehr Licht Ihr in Euch aufnehmt, desto mehr Transformation wird happen within you. Transformation in your body, emotional but above all in your
areas. In areas that you kept your long hidden from yourself or from others. All these areas are now more and more are suffused with light, so that you are always free to you and clings to nothing, which you will no longer be relevant. So we ask you not to be recorded. Internalized for you that it is important to note nothing you can lose anything, it's all there in you, with you and around you.

It is very important that you are aware of that is the only way you can watch more and more to transform what you really are. But if you hold on to customs, in people and material things, you will not be released to you. For if you remain arrested in mind what you previously had. But as we have said, this is the time of renewal and transformation. Thus always change happens in every moment in your life
. But what we'd like to say is that the change now happening more and more in your waking state. Ye can see for yourself, you can perceive it and you will you aware of what it means as the one true essence of what your all time giving expression to be here at the level of the earth and to work.

yourself you will always create new now, the more you are free to require Euch.Dieses of you great confidence that everything is ready at the right moment for you and it happens. Confidence in the often more for you
intangible. So versatile means always a time of powerful transformation. You get in even your biggest fears, your doubts. Many of you will be despair. And so it is important that your just now
faith does not lose what you would like to be given. That you do not lose the belief that everything will become your maximum best.

Thus you will enter you in areas that were previously closed. You will know and see what it means in your inner being to rest and to bleiben. Das Außen wird dann nur noch bedingt für Euch eine Rolle spielen, da Ihr Euch selbst
gefunden habt. So ist alles allezeit für Euch da, Ihr seid, Ihr seid da und ward es schon immer. Doch der Schleier des Vergessens liegt teilweise noch über Euch, sodass es Euch schwer fällt, diesen Schleier zu heben und jenseits des Schleiers zu blicken.Doch möchten wir Einhörner Euch Mut machen. So lasst Euch nicht entmutigen von dem was sich jetzt vor Euch und somit in Euch offenbart. Seid im Vertrauen
und glaubt an die Wahrheit, glaubt an das Licht in Euch, denn es ist beständig und leuchtet Euch den Weg.

Und auch wenn Ihr das Gefühl haben solltet, vom Weg abgekommen zu sein, dann seid Euch gewiss, You can never lose sight of the road. For it is only apparent way that is common to all of you to wake up together on this
unity that we all are with you. This unity is this, that you are so craves. It is exactly what you are looking at you. But know, this unit is not investigated in the field, but finds them within you there is nothing to search, you can find something and find what you will, will exceed all your expectations. For this you can imagine, because most of your ideas has

But the reality of all being, can not imagine even your mind. Oversee on your visions. Begins to distinguish whether it is a Vision is of your essence, or whether it is the mind trying to convince you how something should be
. In this time of change it is important for you, that you may take much time for you. As we already told you, it is important that you realize for yourself how much value you receive your estimate does for yourself. How valuable your
yourself are. Even if your family you and your children enjoy your life here on earth, you still take the time for you to always find you again. You will feel this, when is the time you want your
begrudge rest and this time do you have all the time.

It is up to you how much respect you für Euch selbst habt. Ihr werdet dies vor allem spüren, wenn Ihr das Gefühl habt, dass Ihr Euch vollkommen überfordert fühlt. Wenn Euch Eure Kinder scheinbar belasten, Euch Euer Partner zuviel ist und noch vieles mehr. Dann haltet inne, bleibt stehen und nehmt Euch diese Zeit für Euch.
Oftmals reichen auch ein paar Minuten aus, denn wie wir schon sagten, Ihr erneuert Euch in einem jedem Moment Eures Daseins. Und gerade jetzt, in dieser Zeit Eurer Erneuerung, ist es wichtig, dass Ihr im Einklang seid mit Euch. Dass Ihr in Harmonie und in Frieden schwingt mit Euch und mit Erde, Lady Gaia.

Wir Einhörner rufen Euch auf, atmet ein das reinste Licht, welches wir Euch allezeit senden und welches in Euch ist. Atmet aware and out and be aware of it, that makes you breathe the source itself and that in fact you ventilated. So take now here and now a few deep breaths and feel how your you expanding in you. We want to tell you that the conscious breathing at the present time is very important. Take your time and again a few times a day, the time to breathe consciously. By your conscious breathing you will feel yourself and come to the here and now. Lots of energy and power is released by in you. So it is you still do not realize what it means to realize the light to breathe the source. But know that the more you do this, the clearer you will see it can.

And you will thus firmly established, and be grounded. Your body thereby increasing its vibration, as your light deliberately ingest. Thus doth fills all time and shine like the stars in the sky. Let your eyes sparkle like stars and let your heart shine like flame of infinite love we are with you. The love of all being is something which can not describe in words. But Beloved have souls, you are all that love. This love that is eternal and always has been. So immersed, who in this inferno and let you with this love force that is always with you. We unicorns you will support this.

So it is also envisaged in the plan of creation, that we unicorns accompany you during the ascent and then returned sind um Euch zu unterstützen, die reine wahre Herzensliebe in Euch wieder zu erwecken, Euch diese wieder bewusst zu machen. Lange Zeit hieltet Ihr diese verriegelt durch unzählige Erfahrungen die Ihr gemacht habt. Viel Schmerz und Leid hat Euch dazu getrieben, Euer Herz einzufrieren. Doch Eure Herzensliebe in Euch, Eure wahre Essenz der einen wahren Liebe war nie gefroren und ist es heute nicht. Diese Liebe, wird dieses Eis, welches Ihr darum gebaut habt,
schmelzen lassen, in wie weit Ihr bereit seid, dieses zu zulassen.

Doch seid Euch gewiss, es werden genau diese Menschen in Euer Leben treten, welche Euch hierzu unterstützen werden, Euer Herz aufzumachen. So wird viel Schmerz transformiert werden müssen, da die Angst before re-injury is very large. But going through this pain through you, trust. Who can trust her more than your heart's love, which is in you? Place thyself does not worry about it because you will feel exactly what would now happen to you.
Recognizes that everything is outdoors for you add, you used to awaken to your true nature. The more you awaken, the more and the outer will change for you. But know this will always be the case that your dress will always exactly what you serve in this present moment. The important thing is this, that you stay centered in the confidence in you and no matter what the show would also outside or show is.

Be ready for the transformation of your true self. Be prepared for yourself, so your unit from the perspective of your life starts to leben.Das light of unicorns be with you. Our purest creation of light, we will send in your hearts so that they shine in all areas of the universe.

So I'm Artaris and I am always by your side for support with all the other unicorns steadily to you on your ascension in dieUnendlichkeit of your Daseins.Seid perfect in your light!

afterword by me, Lana `Shandria:

Dear friends! Artaris me last night again made it, breathe the importance of the conscious is. include awareness of the light source, the light of unicorns in us. I even find myself currently in a physical process associated with different emotional areas. Many of you it might be similar. The fact is that a lot of old, old attachments dissolve many now and be transformed or transformed to möchten.Unser true nature, which we are now coming increasingly to the fore and this of course our old thinking, which hold our old habits and views abzulegen.Und makes us feel very torn inside. We are fühlendas NEW, but this is apparently not available to us and
us still in the old Structure, as we are esgewohnt. This time of transition requires unsviel confidence and courage to carry on.

That will not happen overnight, to put everything and completely free to be of the ancients, because I can speak my own experience :-) auchaus because many will come up again and again that it was outside or within us, what we again in our balance throws. But it's really important to be more stable and stay. And this is all ours, what state of mind we choose.
We have a choice, all the time! But we have to "do"! And even if you feel Did the outside handle is so or not bzw.auch not change it. It is important dass in Euch der Wandelstattfindet, immer mehr. Dadurch schenkt Ihr dem Außen dann nur bedingte Aufmerksamkeit, da Ihr in Euch ruht und verankert seid. Die geistige Welt stellt uns viele Hilfen und Unterstützung zur Verfügung, sodass es uns leichter fällt, uns dem, was sichoffenbaren möchten, sich dem hinzugeben und anzunehmen,fällt es uns noch so schwer.

Als Medium gebe ich dies weiter, was durchgegeben wird. Doch Ihr wisst, alles ist möglich, alles ist individuell. Es gibt viele Wege und alles ist richtig. Jeder soll das für sich nutzen, wasihm hilft und gut tut. Gerade JETZT ist dies so wichtig. Probiert es einfach aus und fühlt für Euch selbst, ob es für Euch eine Hilfe
ist oder nicht. From personal experience I can say that I practice self-conscious breathing and so I am centered, grounded, the mind is still and istgegeben devotion to the now. I feel supported by source itself is rich auchein few minutes a day, if you really praktziert aware.
A good way is to go to sleep before getting up and when.

you to a renewed every day. It does not now that the light of the Unicorns will always be inhaled into the future. It is now a support that is given. The force of the Unicorns deep into our souls. They help us a lot of old experiences and injuries that prevent us from still
our true self to live, to transform. But as I mentioned before, it's unique to everyone. Try it out, we see just what happens to you or wants to happen :-)

I thus wish you a lot of confidence, a lot of power and confidence of your transformation and renewal here and now! You support each other, you exchange of. We all go through diegleichen doors and gates, and yet each in his own way
ways. And this makes us all so unique in unseremDasein here on earth.


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