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Li`ana vom Elfenreich

I am Li `ana and I greet you from the Elven kingdom. I greet you with bright eyes of love and the serving You the blessing of peace, togetherness. I have now inspired the medium, the following words to be sent to you. So I ask you to open your heart far away, you tune into the vibration of the elves, fairies and all the light beings of this earth. For these beings, they serve you more than you can imagine, or what your human mind to can capture. Beloved Earth dwellers, we call on you, you realize with Mother Earth, Lady Gaia unite.

We call upon you to consciously become one with nature. For you are a part of nature being rich and this is important that you realize this more and more for you. Recognizes that your on Lady Gaia converts, a being full of love and support that it is for you. It is Mother Earth, which you shall at all times, which you with everything you need supplies. Your love is boundless, it is infinite. Therefore, let your mother earth feel gratitude towards her. If you stand up in the morning, feeling conscious of your body and take mother earth in your consciousness. You will immediately feel the worn his and perceive the recovered one in you. You will feel that you are surrounded by a peach-colored cloud of love that you are guarded and protected.

Thus doth let increasingly sensitive to the vibration of the new earth. You are all as the high lights of the source has traveled to you as a human being on earth to embody, to the light from the source to express. It was all your desire in this big project in which you find yourself a long time to be there. It was your will, Lady Gaia to assist in the ascent. It is for every soul in this incarnation is now a major opportunity to develop very far. Many low maturity processes are taking place within you, so you'll rise to your consciousness in the levels of reality. But that you arrive in the real world and these lives, it is important that you acknowledge all that you disclosed the creation. The recognition of your self and the recognition in all that is.

And so we ask you to recognize your Lady Gaia, as the wonderful essence of what it is. It carries so much with a lot of patience and love. But they must increase their frequency increasing to ascend to higher spheres. You realize your transformation in mind that the climate is changing more and more. The weather is not everything in this rhythm, as you know it, perhaps. Many natural disasters occurred. Even Mother Earth transforms many layers that you no longer serve. And so it is with you. You too are called to your body vibration together with Lady Gaia increase. Because the more you einschwingt you and resonates with the frequencies, the easier for Euch der Übergang  in eine höhere Seinsebene werden.

Je mehr Ihr eins seid mit Erde, desto mehr seid Ihr im Hier und Jetzt. Ihr seid in Eurer Gegenwärtigkeit präsent und es entsteht immer mehr Einheit mit allem was ist. So auch mit den Andersreichen, den Naturwesenreichen. Denn wir wirken Seite an Seite mit Lady Gaia. Wir spüren immerzu Ihren Schmerz, denn sie trägt, durch die Unbewusstheit der Menschen. Dennoch ist sie sich dessen bewusst und auch sie wählte diesen Schritt, um gemeinsam mit den Menschen dieses Projekt, den Aufstieg der Menschheit und Erde zu vollenden. Doch bitten wir Euch, seid achtsam und beginnt von nun an gemeinsam mit uns, Seite an Seite, Lady Gaia zu unterstützen and to serve you. Their gratitude to you will feel your skills and your will be met by your love that you answer brings you all the time. We also ask you to pay attention to the animals. Even the animals are creatures of light. They have made available to serve you in your awakening process.

But man can all too often, the animals do not feel your appreciation. Often the animals are beaten and treated as inferior beings and not respected. When we see this, then pain is in our hearts. In earlier times, times Atlanis and Lemuria, the animals were sacred. Communication with animals was a matter of course. The Unicorns were considered high beings of light. Together with you, healings were accomplished. Even with all the other animals can cure a lot done, if you can recognize that even the animals are a part of creation. Each animal with nature interest in itself and in itself, which you the same. You can perform the best when you are drawn to an animal very much. If it touches your heart and look into your soul. But

have an open heart for all animals. Look behind it, if you encounter an animal. Be it from the smallest to the largest animal. None of the animals you encounter by chance. So be aware and keep your eyes open when you are in the nature of what animals crossed your path. Sometimes the animals also have a message for you, they want to tell you happy. With open hearts pure, you will be able to feel this. Sun listens to their words and then recognize that you are one with all that is. It is important that step by step, a unit created in you. You want your opening to the wonders of the world.

You can not expect great if you are not willing to open yourself to what is revealed here on earth for you. You can not expect that you will ascend to higher dimensions, if you are not ready now and this is reflected in your level of being, to unite in you. Know that the more you become one with earth, Your consciousness is expanding faster and more easily to higher levels. For the tree grows only as far into the air, how far the roots extend into the earth. Brandishing a you, makes you the new vibrations that are consciously ready for you and you open it. With every step you do, you're aware that you are connected with Mother Earth deep. In your heart you are always united with her and the more you realize this, the more you will notice this in your body.

Because your body is matter. It is pure spirit, which has embodied. And just as a body with Mother Earth, even with your one erkennt dieses für Euch an. Dieses sind wichtige Schritte, welche Ihr in Euch vollziehen müsst. Es sind die Schritte der Bewusstwerdung, dass Ihr mit allem verbunden seid und nichts existiert, mit dem Ihr nicht verbunden seid. Es ist alles in Eurem Bewusstsein vorhanden und es liegt an Euch, was Ihr wählt. Wählt Ihr die Vollendung und die Vollkommenheit, so werdet Ihr dort hin geführt werden. So werden sich für Euch die Tore öffnen, durch welche Ihr schreiten werdet. Doch wisset, dies erfordert von Euch, Eure Herausforderungen , die Euch aufgezeigt werden zu meistern. Denn nur eine gelebte Erkenntnis und eine gelebte Weisheit kann für Euch Wahrheit werden. Nur dann, wenn Ihr Eure Erkenntnisse in Eurem Bewusstsein, was Ihr jetzt reacted with, you will be brought closer to reality.

You will then see more and more what it means to live in the truth. Your mind will want to dissuade you again and your intention. Yet it remains true to your path. Follow your path, for he will lead you in the perfection and the perfection of your life here on earth. Have confidence in everything you do in your work. And even if it has apparently so that you are in a stagnant, so do not give up. Do not let that doubt and uncertainty dominate your thoughts. Do not let you want your small, making because your mind wants to convince you that you can not something. You are all so powerful Being full of love.

We see your true nature, when we look at you. We see the reality in you. We do not see your personality that has shaped you, so you've forgotten who you really are. We see you and recognize you in your essence. And so we ask you, on behalf of Lady Gaia, that you all and everyone, the recognition can be given. You see the truth you see, and behind Do not get blinded by the veil of ego and low emotions. That the world in you and let it blossom into a paradise on earth. You feel happy and satisfied. Rests in you and be ready for anything that you would like to be given to whom it allows your und Ihr Euch dafür öffnet, immer mehr und mehr.

Wir Elfen senden Euch die Essenz der Freude, der Zartheit und der Wärme. Unsere Energie ist eine sehr feine hochschwingende Frequenz. Lasst Euch davon berühren und wisset, dass wir allezeit mit Euch sind. Öffnet Euch für andere Welten, erweitert Eure Sinne und nehmt wahr. Immer mehr Licht werdet Ihr dadurch in Euer Leben ziehen. Ihr beginnt im Einklang der Schöpfung zu wirken und dieses wird sich auch für Euch offenbaren, ihr werdet es sehen.

Ich Li`ana verabschiede mich nun von Euch und danke Euch. Seid gegrüßt und gesegnet. Wir hüllen Euch ein mit einem strahlenden Mantel der Liebe. Dieser möge Euch behüten und beschützen. Golden - blue rays may pass through you, and to shed light on your path. So that is always lit for you this and you can follow it consistently.

I am Li `ana, I greet you!


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