Thursday, October 7, 2010

Pillow Favour Box Template

Botschaft von Merlin

I am Merlin, the cosmic light. I am the magician of old and new times. I welcome you, you have companions who are you to me and always was. I Merlin, come back now in place. I go back to your heart, your consciousness, making you open to the magic of life. For your magical aspect to you and your magical creativity.

The magic returns now, as this will support you, to free you from the shackles of Dualtiät. Even in times of Avalon I've worked as a magician. I am the guardian of all life, the guardian of the natural being rich. Together with the nature kingdoms and Lady Gaia I work together on your side. The Mists of Avalon will thin out, the magician had once magical and in line of creation were to be again . Return You will feel it in your hearts, your memory will be far away. You will become again a reminder of your magical abilities and the time when you are converted as a magician on earth.
Magic is a very high and intense power. This also means that it is a great responsibility to use magic. Through the magic practice you will become your responsibility as a creator but you realize here on earth. And this is one reason why the magic back again into your consciousness. For since it carries a high level of responsability with it, you will learn what it means to consciously manifest creation.

I am Merlin, you is to encourage and train you to become master of matter. I will lead you, into the sacred alchemy. You will by the magical power of creation begin to manifest consciously, because it draws a true creator and master here on earth. New levels will open for you, doors will open up the reality in you, for a true creator who lives in reality.

Free from all samples and anything which you bind again and again in the third-dimensional energy. Through the magic, these patterns are resolved more and transformed. Know that the magic is also a very transformative and cleansing power. Ye shall feel in you. So I would like to Merlin, you make your aliveness in you again realized. For it is the vitality in you that you caused to act creatively. will be transformed by the magic and can enliven your all, all you to blossom into a color spectrum of the source itself, for you are Source.

Many of you may feel some discomfort when speaking of magic. These are the old patterns, experiences from previous incarnations have worked magic than you. Far too often, the magic was abused, used for purposes to be destructive. We know this. Each of you has made this experience. And this Experiences are stored in you. But let me tell you, the magic that is now aroused in you again, is free of ancient symbols and rituals. These are no longer applied in this new golden age. Rather, the magic is used for this purpose in order to achieve as a creator here on earth.

The you begin to let the magical power within you, you will feel how much love is accompanied with this power. Because with a pure heart, magic applied, it will meet you and you settling into higher levels. I will let you guide through the medium of what it means magical power of creation to live. I shall tell you what it means as a magician of modern times to act and act. Then know to be a magician means to be master of alchemy. Master of matter to create around the world that your vision is in line with the creation itself Thus it follows your dreams and visions.

Do not think that this is fantasy of your mind. For as beautiful visions may arise from your lower mind thinking? It is the mind, which classifies them in fantasy stories. But trusts and follow your vision. For it is the vision is progressing is to let you reach your goal.
that case, know your target is before you. You are already reached the goal. There is nothing more to achieve what you must. Everything exists within you. But it needs a clear purpose and clear direction. The man is accustomed to be done all things. He is accustomed to live in his world, he got trained by the collective. He has learned to move in this world and to just leave it as it is. The people are not aware that they are in a twilight sleep. You will be forgotten in the unconsciousness. No one is aware that he is responsible for his actions and deeds. And since this is so, he creates over and over again the same world in which he moves. It's like a hologram that is repeated constantly.
But around here on earth as creator convert, it requires to come out of unconsciousness. to take responsibility and to follow its own truth, because this will bring you to freedom. For a true champion is truthful in all his actions for himself, for humanity and for all creation. So you are called magicians, your creative power within you to recognize again that they must take in you and to exemplify the people. So too have the opportunity to wake up from your unconsciousness.

It is the intention of all the worlds of light, all the masters and Being of Light, the new earth to get out of your unconsciousness. Lady Gaia will be getting lighter, it will increase its frequency on and it's up to you, you align this vibration. Together with you, who wakes up more and more, we will work hand in hand. Will you aware that you are a part of creation. so that you may help shape the world as it is revealed and you will reveal. And so I want to Merlin tell you that there is nothing to attain more, but that you must acknowledge to you that you are a big part of the whole self and take responsibility.

At that moment, as you whose conscious will, you will be aware of who you really are and then you realize your creative power within you. You will then realize what power you carry yourself. For this reason, you all will be made available, which will help you maintain your perfection of your self.
So thinks now, not that it alone will be the magic that you can wake up to the Creator. It is one of many possibilities that you will be given. Not everyone, we are familiar with the magic. Not everyone will feel touched by it in the soul. But those who feel they are addressed in the soul, the memory far, as periods of the magician, your potential in this open again. You will be aware again of your magical abilities and use that knowledge. Know, however, it is not a requirement to practice magic to a master here on earth.

There are so many facets, so many expressions that are given. Each of you is unique and each of you has its own individual access. Everyone is different. It is important that you begin to trust your intuition and your inner guidance. Trusts, which touches you in your soul, wherever it takes you, because this is your truth. Do not be afraid that you might do something wrong or your not your goal achieved. Know that everything is in you saved and at the right time is more and more, all revealed in you.

So each of you a Custom tour route he goes. Does not go that way of something based on what serves you not. Trust that you go your way and this will always truthful in your expression, in your being. Trust that you will ever meet the people who accompany you to be a piece of your self-realization.
recognizes, however, no one can and will you reveal your own truth can. You will get stressed and supported by the healings and messages you. Many things you used to always see more your true self. But know that You must not hold anything that you will be sent. Because in order to act as a true creator, is required to follow its own truth without proof or buts. And it also means taking responsibility on themselves. And to make this easier for you and it will be for you a smooth transition from the unconscious, we are by your side.

everything from the creation you made available, so you can recognize with joy that your loved immeasurably are, and you will always worn. And so it is my dear Merlin, the magic is relearned. For the application of the magical power of creation, you will find yourself being aware of your Creator. For know, whatever you send forth magically comes back to you, a thousand times. Thus, your will begin to function deliberately. The magical light spaces are open.

It takes a sincere attitude and openness. Your pure heart's love, is this possible for you. The magical companions will be by your side. Also you will you again be aware of your inner cosmic fire. For this purpose, you will lead the Dragons. For the dragons who have the power of courage. Your inner fire it, which will give you the drive to be courageous is to live by what you are.
you will be introduced by me Merlin, here in your magical creator of existence on earth. I am Merlin, instruct the media. But know, I Merlin you will not say what you have to do or how you have to do something. For I Merlin is important that you go into your independence. That you begin as a creator to act responsible. All you need for this, you will get reported in the form of messages and exercises to be aware of your power within you. But know, these are lighting tools, which Be given to you in the hand, so you can start independently and will, you create your world, just as you imagined it to you.
The planes will join in you, the world will shine in the light of love, peace and perfection. It will be a world that is very familiar to you, because you know this only too well. You will arrive at yourself, within yourself and thus arrive in your reality in your truth. May I'm Merlin, your light so shine, so you are visible to the world and for the people. The blessing of the source you may be given. I greet you with open arms and welcome you to your Creator sein hier auf Erden. MERLIN


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