Thursday, October 7, 2010

Power Rangers клипарт

Dein magischer Aspekt und Deine magische Schöpferkraft in Dir

magic has nothing to do with sorcery, because the use of magic tools and is based on deception and illusion, produced by tricks.

magic is rather the ancient, holy Science of the "knowledge of all knowledge." In all ages of mankind, there has been magic and has worked with magic. Magic is the highest, pure power of God. With our thoughts we create matter. Due to the fact we live in a world of illusion - the Creator, we are the magic can be seen the reality.. Reality of what is and has always everywhere around us and in us. We are all animated by magic. The magic is in all of us.

Now is the time ripe to use it again, full of power and might, in the consciousness of unconditional love - the strongest power in magic.

Merlin, the magician of the new and old time will lead us to this und inspirieren. Wir werden uns wieder bewusst daran erinnern, was es bedeutet Magie zum höchsten Wohle der Schöpfung einzusetzen. Wir werden uns wieder unserer magischen Schöpferkraft bewusst und werden dadurch unsere Schöpfungsmuster erkennen. Wir werden lernen die Energien zu bündeln um unsere Schöpfungen zu manifestieren. Denn was wäre ein wahrer Magier der neuen Zeit , der sich seine Träume nicht erfüllt ?

Die Magie ist eine sehr intensive, lebendige Kraft, begleitet mit viel Liebe. Merlin wird uns einführen in die magischen Lichtreiche, die in der alten Zeit versiegelt waren. Die neue Magie bildet Brücken zwischen den Dimensionen und wirkt sehr universal. Viele Lichtwesen, werden sich wieder mit uns and combine this causes the vibration is increased in us and in nature.

Merlin will also introduce us into the magical world of elves, fairies and druids. In this world where love, peace and unity prevails. Just as it should be in our world, because the worlds are in reality not separated from each other. We will find our magical companions again. They will join us and support us.

It is our consciousness which creates this apparent separation. Because everything around us and has been manufactured by our consciousness. None of this is to be found outside of us. All we seek, we will find in us. We look outside, we will remain forever on the lookout and not arrive at ourselves. Because in reality each of us has arrived already. Arrived in the eternal being. Each of us is already completely here and now in his presence. All the vibrations and frequencies, all the angels, ascended masters, are a part of our consciousness as we are a part of their consciousness.

most of us want to again remind you that we will meet them at the same level. That they neither of us are still with us, but we are all equal. Us face to face to face and have given us much love and respect. The more we plunge again into the reality of issues that are in us, the more is this separation aufgehoben und wir erkennen uns wieder als das, was wir sind. Wir werden uns aus und in den Wirklichkeitsebenen neu erschaffen.

Die magische Praxis wird uns darin unterstützen, unser Bewusstsein weiter auszudehnen, uns zu öffnen für unser wahres Wesen, für die Wunder die möglich sind. Sodass wir immer mehr in der Lage sind, unsere scheinbare Realität zu verändern um uns das Leben zu erschaffen, was unseren inneren Visionen entspricht.

Wir alle tragen viele Aspekte und Anteile in uns, die schlummern und darauf warten, wieder erlebt und gelebt zu werden. Wir mussten viele lichte Anteile zurücklassen, als wir abgestiegen sind in die Dichte der Materie. Der Schleier des Vergessens wurde über unser Awareness set. But now this veil would be lifted from us. It is the time since, this awaken us all again and to express, each in his own individual way.

Merlin will again make us aware of our vitality in us. That we should abandon our visions and dreams, for they are the visions that animate us. These are the dreams that make us go forward, give us strength to carry us.

As we learn from Merlin gradually apply the pure creation of magic, we will experience profound awakenings and increases in us. This will enable us to embody our Ganzeit and completeness, all life connects.

The magical aspect in us, brings us much joy and ease. We will recognize what a wonderful creations presents us life. We will begin to explore ourselves and everything around us. The magic enables us to look into rooms and back to discover hidden knowledge that is needed greatly in this new age.

Such was this knowledge never away from us, because it is stored in each of us. What the soul has learned once they are no longer forgotten.
We will learn to vary no more between the poles of duality and forth, but learning about life from the unit considered. Thus we find an inner freedom and inner Peace.

Our memories of our true self will grow more and more, so we will begin to be real creative here on earth to create, together with Lady Gaia, a new earth.

message from Merlin


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