Wednesday, December 15, 2010

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Weihnachtschanneling - ELOHIM

We the Elohim, the Creator of the universe, angels greet you with the blessing of the angelic realms. We greet you in the all-embracing love and light frequencies that flow through your Light Being. We are now back to your side and get back now to speak, in the now-moving time. It is a time of reversal, a time of further awakening in you. Nature outside, if your she considered, has attracted the dress of hibernation. She has apparently turned to sleep, but in reality she is preparing now and again the next spring, which is to come.

Where nature back to life, everything starts to bloom and the winter coat back stores. So it seems that nature seems to sleep now. Just like her. You are in an apparent sleep that works for you is very real and very real. But not like the truth in nature sleeps, sleep is not even yours. So now uses this time of peace for you and use this time to further progress in awakening. So that bloom and your like the season in your true nature can. You find yourselves in the middle of departure and break of your life. You move more and more into it when you have your intention on this and get this straight. There are a lot of help given to you, which you can use your check and use shall.

Right now in this Christmas time, we, the angels, you pretty close. Not only we, the Elohim, but also your personal angel groups, your guardian angels and many other angels who accompany you for a long time. Know that you are constantly accompanied by angels. Again and again, they whisper to you much in your thoughts. They talk all the time and inspire you. Christmas is in your earthly world and the time of giving. Each person makes or wants someone else to give pleasure. This is a beautiful ritual. We see the joy of those receiving a gift. And if you're often on the search, for a suitable gift for a loved one, then there are the angels who often inspire you to do so. They just lead you to that place where you can find seemingly random, the perfect gift for that man.

But is it important to recognize that it is not the physical gift, is what would satisfy you. It is above all a feeling that this should come first. We see that it often degenerates into stress, or even someone feels obliged to do so to give someone something. Know that if you like someone to give pleasure, it makes it out of your heart and connects it with the feeling of gratitude that this man is in your life. Recognize the value behind it. Looking behind why Christmas is a gift to each other. In reality, your blessed you with love. With the love of creation, with the heart's love that connects you to all. It is not the value of the gift, telling about the love for other people something, it is the love that you feel for these people.

Know that the greatest gift that you can offer a man is seen by your eyes of the people with tolerance and love. In which you feel it, perceive it and give your attention. Use the time now to take you for your loved ones time. For in your life, this is lost all too often, really for the other time to take to listen to him and it really is. These people see how he really is. Tells you to side with your needs, tell you everything that moves you at the time what you busy. Be honest and talk to each other, let your hearts. Right now in this holiday time, your hearts are more open than usual, because the veil is just not as close now as usual causes

this that you, the angels, the light levels are much closer. And these frequencies of light to flow through your heart. Your festival is also called the feast of love. And it is a celebration of love. Often, it is also true that just at this time also created much controversy. Many things are very close, or You feel violated more easily than normal, this happens precisely for this reason. Your hearts are wide open and received many very different from usual way, let this and let you meet the love of angels and of all that is. Enjoy these wave motions that arise in you. These are the waves of life, there are the waves of one BEING. Even the ocean has different currents.

Often the waves are very high and they are again very quiet. So be full of passion and let yourself be carried away by the currents of life. begins to swim with the tide and not against the tide and the waves may still be high confidence that You will not go down. You will not float to the surface, you will be the waves and will recognize the ocean as your true self.

We invite you to breathe deeply. Let go of everything and opens you to the light of the angels. Open yourself to the narrow planes, because they are so close to you. If you are very attentive, you can perceive the angels around you. They dance and rejoice and wear your prettiest dress. They look forward so much and look forward to again and again, when a person opens again for this world. Because this world is not far from you, it is not up or down, it arises in you, in your consciousness. So we allowed entry into Your consciousness. Shook hands and we will extend our hands. We guide you continually, and lead you on your way to the light. It is such a wonderful way in which you find yourself.

And the more Can you see that there is a way to infinity, the more you will realize that there is no past and no future. , Recognize that your future is not fixed and that you can recreate this at any time. So are we, the Elohim, the builders of different galaxies. We know what it is the manifestation of power use. We know what it means to create. For this purpose, we will tell you much. For just as we are also Your able you to create your world. You are able to create even more. You can apply your truly paradise and earth create. You are on a journey that will never end. Time and space do not exist in reality.

So there is no past and no future. You are free beings, endless creative energy flows into you and makes you shine to protect creators. Become aware of your creative power. The rays of the Elohim Creator contribute consistently. Permanently incorporated the rays on earth. However, not only on earth, but they also flow through your crown chakra in your subtle body, in your physical body. With dieser neuen Zeitqualität, die schon begonnen hat, werden diese Schöpferstrahlen noch intensiver einstrahlen, sodass in Euch Wandlung geschehen kann. Wandlung in Euren Herzen, Wandlung in Eurem Denken, sodass Ihr immer mehr Eure wahre Größe, die Ihr seid und ausstrahlt annehmen könnt.

Der silberne Strahl der Elohim der Gnade wirkt zur Zeit verstärkt. Nehmt nun diesen silbernen Strahl wahr und fühlt, wie er durch Euch fließt. Stellt Euch nun vor, wie Ihr von diesem Strahl erfüllt werdet. Euer ganzer Körper ist angefüllt von diesem strahlenden funkelnden Silber. Er hüllt Euch ein in die Gnadenenergie. Denn ist die Gnade, die Euch still werden läßt. Fühlt, wie sich this grace in you feel energy. What causes this in you? As you can see in you? You will feel like spreading peace within you. You will feel and see that it you want for nothing, that you all have what you need and what you need. You will know that you are always supported by immense love. feel

you will can see that you have everything available that you need at this moment. You can see will see that you are not separate from us but that we all share ONE. And this is your wonderful earth angels, is a grace, if you can accept it and feel for you. Many people are closed. You may not realize that there are other worlds than an earthly. It is a grace for you, if you can take this world and already feel. Thus, this beam is used to allow deeper into you. Use these cosmic aids that you bring the media. Each medium brings along with the eternal light rich many frequencies of light to the earth so that the earth may be getting lighter and the people can realize their own light within.

But there are not only the media, you are all beings of light. All of you gives off as much light, the more you open for yourself. It is not crucial to the way in which your Your light gives expression. Not everyone feels as a medium, healer, shaman, etc. appointed ambassador. Everyone is different and each gives the light the expression that he is. Thus doth not compare with others and do not strive to be like someone else. You will not and can be, for you must know your own truth and the life. It is always good, as you inspire each other. It is important that you grow together into a whole. Does your light with others and exchanges you what moves you. But again and again to seek your own truth.

lose this not from your eyes. Stay true to yourself and you will be amazed be what everything is in you. In every one of you. Be creative and inspire you leave. Creation is so versatile, just like you. If you observe nature, you will realize that nothing is the same. Even each blade of grass is different and carries its uniqueness. Acknowledges that You have so many possibilities. Try everything and see what would come of it. We invite you to bring you to direct your gaze upward. Go into your size, you feel that you are loving beings of light. We know that it is very difficult for you to accept this for you, but we want to tell you, you will be able to accept it.

Even if your it can not you imagine, but you are very close to the target. It now comes the time of recollection. The memory of your origin and condition. Your light is so bright and each of you light shines in its own frequency and quality. If you'd like, so you ignite a candle every night and look into this flame, which shows itself before you. And if you look at this flame with your eyes, you see yourself in this flame of light available. Imagine how the flame gets bigger and you penetrate. Feel the heat that rises in by you. Do not let this flame essence wear and see the flame as a reflection of yourselves

Denn auch Ihr seid solche Flammen. Ihr seid Flammen der Schöpfung, Flammen der Liebe und der Freude. Das Feuer wärmt Euch, so wie im physischen so auch in Euren Herzen. Wenn Ihr die Flamme betrachtet, wird der Elohim der Gnade des silbernen Strahls an Eurer Seite sein, wenn Ihr Euch hierfür öffnet. Er wird Euch anfüllen mit dieser Gnadenenergie und Ihr werdet die Kraft des Strahls in Euch spüren können. Ihr könnt solange Ihr wollt, in dieser Flamme der Gnade verweilen. Beginnt das Außen immer mehr als einen Dienst an Euch selbst anzuerkennen. Werdet Euch darüber bewusst, dass das Außen Euer Spiegel ist, doch wisset auch, dass dieser Spiegel sich jederzeit verändern kann. Und wen Ihr Euch selbst in Eurem Spiegelbild considered, then have a look in your eyes and know that an angel is a highlight in your face.

For from your eyes looked through the angel who you are, and always was. Take your exercise as you are now. Try to not be someone else. Be authentic in all your deeds and actions. Be honest with yourself and honest with your fellow man. Know what you are all sending out, comes back to you, whether for better or for worse. So there are actually no good and no bad, because in the reality of being, there are no reviews. You will keep on the outside not fixed, but are anchored in your heart.

Be in love, and let the Angels move into your heart. Open it and sends you out of gratitude. We also thank the Elohim, you. Thank you for your light, for your being. Because we all are ONE, we are in you and you are in ourselves. We all belong together in a united humanity to an association with all that may arise.

We bless you in the light, we send you our love. May your heart be fulfilled, may result in you truly wonder what your wearing out again into the world.
We Elohim, we greet you in the Blessing!

Kaduma Kadmon Kaduma Elohim
eloha Elohim and so it is!


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