Monday, November 29, 2010

Cheddar Cheese Campbells

Sherin- das weise Wesen der Venus 29.11.2010

Sternenlicht und Sternenstaub möge Euch umhüllen. Euch erfüllen in allen Daseinsformen Eures SEINS hier auf Lady Gaia. Mutter Erde die Euch trägt und Euch die Liebe allezeit spüren läßt, wenn Ihr es für Euch annehmen könnt. Wenn Ihr annehmen könnt, dass Lady Gaia es ist, die Euch die Fülle bringen wird, die Euch Geborgenheit schenkt in dieser Zeit. Denn wenn Ihr Euch getragen und geborgen fühlt, dann fällt es Euch leichter, dass Ihr Euch immer mehr in Eurem Seelenausdruck entfaltet, der bei jedem individuell ist. Doch ist es nicht nur Lady Gaia, die Euch begleitet und unterstützt. Sie gibt Euch Halt in der Materie, in der Ihr Euch befindet. Auch wir, die Sternengeschwister, sind aus höheren Sphären an Eurer Seite.
  So bin ich Sherin und spreche zu Euch von der Sternenebene der Venus. Es ist mir eine besondere Freude, dass ich heute Worte durch das Medium aufzeichnen lasse. Worte, die Euch tief in Eurer Erinnerung, in Eurer Seele berühren werden.
  So begrüße ich Euch mit einem Sternengruß :

Eteriel Miastra Luana La`taria Estarina . This star means
Greetings: love your star brothers and sisters open your star self and lets you star in your light shine!

Therefore take leave of this star greeting deep touch in your soul. Take these words as an awakening force. Know that they are not the words that are essential. Much more, it's about what you feel here, what you feel and what kind of memories in you. Memories of your star brothers and sisters who accompany you always.

Sherin I am, as the nature of Venus and wants to travel with you now a piece in reality. So now take a deep Breath and travels with me in the plane of the star Venus. The more you open it, the more exercise you will love this. Venus is such a beautiful star. He appears in beauty, grace, wisdom, but above all with unconditional love. The light frequencies of Venus are very fine high vibrational tones and sounds. These sounds, colors and sounds to be in fine nuances of light streams sent to you at all times. And more and more you will penetrated by the light of the heat. Because this light is the reality. So I go with you if you travel at night on Venus receive training to you.

Know, I accompany the Sherin Menschen auf Ihren Reisen auf die Venus und ich bringe Sie auch wieder zurück in Ihre Welt, in der sie sich jetzt befinden. Es ist uns immer wieder eine besondere Freude, wenn wir Euch allen begegnen, auch wenn es Euch nicht bewusst ist. Doch die Zeit ist nahe, dass Ihr mit Eurem wachen Bewusstsein mit uns in Verbindung steht. Das Erwachen in Euch vollzieht sich nun immer mehr. So braucht es Eure innere Bereitschaft. Eure Bereitschaft weiter zu gehen und all dies, was Euch nicht mehr dient loszulassen. Es wird immer wichtiger, dass Ihr beginnt, unnötigen Ballast abzuwerfen. Wisset, das beginnt in Euren Gedanken. Ihr seid so sehr angefüllt mit so vielen Gedanken. Lasst diese Gedanken los und ruht in Euch. Immer mehr. Denn das ist eine Grundvoraussetzung, die You need on your ascent.

For only when you rest in you, in your essence, you are able to recognize the reality and to accept more and more. But if you remain stuck permanently in your thoughts, there will be a disharmony within you. You will thus live through many emotions, which did not correspond to reality. This will aggravate you, let go of that you can to show you for the frequencies of light places, the star levels, since you are too busy to vary from one emotion to another. Know that the earth's magnetism increases more and more now, more and more energy now flows into your existence. It is noch immer die Zeit, alle Verhärtungen in Euch aufbrechen zu lassen. Sodass Ihr immer freier werdet in Eurer Sicht und in Eurem Denken.

So lasst mich Sherin in Euer Herz blicken. Ich sehe, wie Eure Gefühlswelt oftmals durcheinander gerät. Ich sehe viele Zweifel und Unsicherheiten. Ich möchte Euch sagen, viele Wesen der Venus sind nun verstärkt anwesend, damit Ihr immer mehr die Liebe für Euch selbst und auch für alle anderen Wesen des Universums annehmen könnt. Die Liebe zu Euch selbst ist ein sehr wichtiger Schlüssel in dieser Zeit. Und diesen Schlüssel möchten wir Euch überreichen. Ihr werdet immer noch feinfühliger und sensibler werden und auch dementsprechend . Respond Your sensitivity will open to you and makes you appear vulnerable. But know, you can not be violated.

That which will open in you is something beautiful and wonderful. It is like a delicate plant that needs more and more used to the daylight. For you, it is the light of reality in that you you have to get used more and more, even if that light vibration is very high. When are broken up in you the hardened, so you leave old experiences that you have held for so long and for reality have kept. There are also some protections that you because of your experience have built up around you. But know that your protection mechanisms are no longer needed. And if they go by you, you will at first you feel very vulnerable. Her you will feel as if your every vulnerable people are delivered and will often also want to avoid meeting other people.

We want to tell you, this is a natural reaction of your being. So long, have you lived with these safeguards, your experiences have stored in you. Experience in this life, but above all from previous incarnations. And now that you have supported for so long with you. So it is only natural that the insecurity in you triggers. But let me tell you, you will find just the opposite. This is what feels now as seemingly defenseless against others is in fact an opening in a new level of your existence. The illusion of separation begins to dissolve more and more. And this means that your you now is in a maturing process.

And your soul knows exactly when the moment arrives and you will end this process. You will always be more change your vision, you will be required to let go of the apparent security. You will be required, to trust your heart and your intuition. You will know that not answer many questions . Let You'll have to learn to trust the invisible and you will have to learn to engage in a seeming uncertainty. The last part of the way, each of you will have to go alone. For know, it's your league, in which you find yourself. This is such a great thing what you can not even grasp in your mind. But your soul essence, knows exactly where the path now. Your soul shines more and more because she is on the way to live again what it really is. A spark of God, created in the image.

And you all now shines so much already. Like sparkling crystals, when we look at you. Your gloss affects us more and more. For as brilliant as the stars in the sky, shines your here on earth. But keep your shine even more, you are called upon more and more to look deeper. Makes you realize that what you now for your reality acknowledges that this is not the whole reality. It's part of your being a part of your present consciousness. But know that the more you expand your consciousness now, the more you will become reality to see. You will look beyond horizons that you have so far been closed. You will know a lot what you can not know. You will learn a lot in you, which will open your inner kingdom. So on realizes that what you perceive to date, is only a small fraction of what you expect in reality.

Be prepared that you now plunge ever further into the light of universal love. In the light in which everything together. And above all, it is love that will give you the strength. Checked again and again within yourself, whether you love or whether indeed it is only your ego that apparently believes to love. It is often loves the ego, because it needs because it requires, because it makes depends on someone else.

It is important that you are filled with this love within yourself. Because if you yourself are filled, then you are truly able to love. Then you are able to recognize what it means to live the all-encompassing love of creation. This you can then send to other people. It often happens to many pioneers of light that you have little patience here with the not yet awakened lights on earth. But know, every soul has a clear plan set out when something happens.

But we would ask you, be the role models for these people. Live it in front of you, what it means to be a light carrier. What does it mean to be all-embracing love and work.

And for this to happen, you are invited to internalize it in you, so you done him a conversion process can begin. And to make this conversion can be done, you will face many challenges the ego to face. Whether by human or situations. Many patterns are passed to climb again in you and bring your emotions to sway world.

Take as all that would show itself to you. Let healing take place within you. Because only a healed awareness that love will be able to expand in itself. And this healing will take place in you, the more you open yourself to the wonders of creation. Even if your you often feel vulnerable should, then let your hearts be still open for everyone, for all beings. Even for these people that cause you to rage, aggression, grief, hostility. For know, it is these people that you reflect that you can find healing in you.
soul Those aspects that you have been rejected are you aware of this again. You have to change this, your vision and should be considered with these people do not hurt your ego. Consider them with all your love and be in forgiveness and immediately feel the peace within you. For even the aspect of peace within you you can accept things as they are now want to show.

And this is a very important access for you. So you can feel for you and let the love in frequencies of Venus moving into your thoughts, so that they are flooded with the love of all being. Feels like you'll empty in your head and your heart fills itself. I send you now reinforced our love of service to you. Know that even if the want to overcome the obstacles present themselves, even if difficult, so be certain, there is no challenge that can not meet you. And know also, any challenge you to grow and mature on the inside, what you really are. And this is also always in the outer . Manifest

is affected by the stellar light of Venus every one of you in your heart and you can dance under the stars.
Sherin and I am sending you trust and confidence.
Be Blessed in all your doing and being!


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