Monday, November 15, 2010

Do Wrestlers Wear Underwear Beneath Singlets?

Antarasesus - Die Rückkehr der Drachen 13.11.2010

komsische I salute the fire within you. The flames of your essence, the flames of your age may rise up in you, making you into your conscious life here on earth rises together with Lady Gaia. I'm Antarasesus, I am a Dragon of the elements and the magic and would like you in the mood for our return. I would like to remind you that we are always present in your hearts, even if we are not visible and apparently extinct for your world in which your lives are. We are not separate from you, we only exist on another plane for you now is not visible. were destroyed

As Atlanis and Lemuria, we pulled us back. We moved us back to the stars at levels from there, to send you some of our cosmic energy. And now the time has come for us to return back to your consciousness. That you open your perceptions and your hearts so that we can return. And now I want to tell you something about me. I was once Antarasesus on the side of Merlin, when Merlin walked here on earth. In the time of the Arthurian legend, Merlin was the advisor of King Arthur. But Merlin is exchanged with all beings.

He has consulted with me. We worked hand in hand in so to speak the truth, wisdom and truth. Thus, the magical chambers, the creation chambers always visible and Merlin applied this to the benefit of Arthur and for all. Merlin is the guardian of the rich natural being, the guardian of all life. But we, the dragon, are guardians of hidden treasures and rooms. Guardian of the chambers are filled with wisdom, insight, knowledge. We control all the elements and master the language of the elements. We will send all the time in your bright sparks cosmic existence. So we will, however, often feared by humans.

We are represented as fire-breathing monster. act as being the more destructive than helpful. But we want to tell you, this is a myth. In many stories, we are portrayed. We understand that it causes illness in people when they look at us. In other cultures, we act as the dragon, with a blessing and truly it is so. We support you, to rise above yourself. It is our fire power, a strength you need on your path of ascension into the 5th Dimension. Because the effect the firepower that you have your courage. That you have courage, you embark on anything that is. On everything you want to be disclosed. So we know that it takes a lot of dedication from you, an unconditional surrender to what NOW.

These are all your ideas and expectations as requested should be something to give up. Know that it is your understanding of the constantly chasing some idea because he thinks you know it better than your true self. Shall be suspended within you and watch what would be opened within you. And this is so much. A world full of surprises and magic, a spell of the all-encompassing perfection is waiting for you. It is You seem like magic, there is suddenly revealed to you in a world that you are not suspected. But this is only possible if you are willing to open yourselves to this world. Know that the creation itself is infinite. So you are now to be in a position to a co-creator of all creation. This makes you aware of what it means to be a co-creator.

It also means that you are the world where you are can change. Even though you can change it now is not global, so you can at least change your world in your consciousness. You can do this all the time. And so you, the easier for your fire power in you is very important. Sun guides Your attention again and again and feels revitalized this force you. It is a living force. It will assist you. Continues to call me and I'll hang with my energy be with you to enable you to work together with your potential. In you all so much talent lying dormant, so many skills.

The dragon energy will support you. That you are brave to take your skills and uses these for the benefit of all humanity. So it is up to us dragons, to support you on your ascent. Together with Merlin, I'll be by your side. Know that we are powerful dragon for initiations. We can guide you through all the levels, you travel the would like with your mind. Many of you are constantly on the lookout. It is always so much on the outside. Therefore take let's say, your full potential you can only find in you. Where else could it be to find out beautiful in your inner kingdom.

an empire that each of you so beware that you do not even own who enter. So begins to get to know your own kingdom within you. And know that the Kingdom is linked to all other kingdoms and will know if your einfindet you first realize in your own realm. We have so many treasures that we keep for you. But we would like these treasures at your feet. The gates open now accessible more. Much hidden knowledge of what was once treasured, may now return to your consciousness. Much of the old Druids knowledge, much knowledge of initiations is given to you again.

This knowledge was once guarded by the initiated priests. Only to the initiated, this information was given. But now the time has come where all this knowledge is now to be divided again. And that's why we also sweep Dragons back now. For we have much more wisdom and ancient knowledge in us. We support you, that makes you get ready to leave. That you you start to open the world of wonder for the world of magical gifts. So take a deep breath now and let the kite power keep in you collection. Feel what a powerful force within you begins to rise.

Can you feel the power within you? Many of you may find it difficult to feel this power in itself. to assume this power. But take your time. Even if your power now the dragons can not yet perceive, let yourself say, we are at your side. And the more you now, the vibration of the 5th record dimension in you get, the easier it will be you. For we live in the 5th Dragon Dimension. It is a transition for you and know you have already done so much on your journey. So much have you now been achieved, and know the effort that once you have made to you is, belohnt werden. Vor allem belohnt Ihr Euch selbst. Denn Ihr werdet aufsteigen in Eurem Bewusstsein.

Ihr werdet das vollenden, was Ihr einst begonnen habt und hierzu erhaltet Ihr alle Unterstützung von den Reichen der Wirklichkeit. So taucht ein in die Wirklichkeitebenen allen SEINS. Macht Euch bewusst, dass Ihr alle Kraft in Euch tragt um diesen Weg alleine zu gehen. In diesem Moment, wo Ihr scheinbar glaubt, vollkommen alleine zu sein, werdet Ihr erkennen können, dass Ihr mit allem verbunden seid. So seid Ihr aufgerufen, über Euch selbst hinauszuwachsen. Ihr seid aufgerufen die Opferrolle zu verlassen und Mitschöpfer zu werden in dieser wunderbaren Welt, in der Ihr seid. Wisset, die Erde ist jetzt Euer Heimatplanet. Und Ihr habt soviele Ways that you can develop yourself. Remember, everything you encounter in the field you used to look inward.

Know also, everything that you perceive to time in the field may not reflect your interior. By this we mean the images that you repeatedly with your physical eyes to truth and hold fast. You know that we say to you again and again, like indoors and outdoors. And this is also true. But as long as you look at the world in which you live with your mind, you can not perceive what would actually reveal themselves from within you out. You are so very different from what you believe to be. Your true inner fire nature is quite different. So far, you are living outside the influenced by your views taught.

But these perspectives are not your true beautiful beings. These views are Created through all the experiences you've seen on the journey through space and time. And they are also arose from human influences, which are now in your human world remains dominant. Learn to be regarded by the world as a child. As if your 1 Time, open your eyes and seen a world that you have not seen it before. And know this world is true, you are very familiar, even though it may seem strange to you. And this is also the goal. The fact that your all your strength, your full potential with the earthly life united here on earth. can at this moment you will know, you know that your in this world while you move, but are not of this world.

Know more and more it comes to union with all that is. But this is important that you ensure your opens. That you lift up your look and are open to the worlds. Also for the invisible, because only then you will become more and more unity consciousness can recognize you. Recognizes that we walk beside you. Everything is in a unit linked. The only difference is the vibration that separates us from each other. Currently your swing in your consciousness even in a low frequency, so you can not perceive us. But your true nature, oscillates always at the highest level of being. It was your intention when you are as a human being incarnated here on earth to unite your true nature to be with the man. And this includes the ascent.

making you as a cosmic man recognizes and returns as an ascended master in the dimensions of the whole creation. And from there, start your true journey. Place thyself looking forward to what will happen to you. Makes you realize that you have the opportunity to be an ascended master. You made ', and master the material in which you find yourself. You will know again, that's all around you no solid materials, but that these are all realities that your Euch in einem jeden Augenblick kreiert und erschafft. Immer näher kommt der Augenblick für Euch, wo alle Schleier fallen werden, vor Euren Augen.

Dieser Augenblick ist näher, als Ihr Euch vorstellen könnt. Ihr könnt mit Eurem jetztigen Bewusstsein noch nicht begreifen, was es wirklich bedeutet, sich über die Materie zu erheben und aufzusteigen in höhere Sphären, die allezeit vorhanden sind, nur habt Ihr es einfach vergessen.

So lasst Euch nun tragen, von der Drachenkraft. Lasst diese in Euch auferstehen und öffnet Euch für das, was Euch gegeben werden möchte, allezeit. Vertraut Eurer Führung, vertraut Eurer inneren Stimme, denn sie wird Euch auf Eurem Weg leiten. This is a very important aspect that should be more clear for you. So let envelop you from my wings. I'm Antarasesus, I greet you with my dragon force and let them work in you. Are you ready to open for your inner kingdom. Are no longer the keeper, but be the owner. Come in and accept it, here and now and always!


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