Saturday, November 6, 2010

Russianbare Archive Gallery

Meister Hilarion und der Tempel der Wahrheit 7.11.10

Greetings my beloved planet's inhabitants. I salute your human being, your subtle being, your light being.

I am Master Hilarion und wirke gemeinsam mit Erzengel Raphael auf dem grünen Schöpfungsstrahl. Ich bin der Hüter der Flamme der Wahrheit und der Heilung. Ich wirke nun durch das Medium und die Worte, die nun zu Euch fließen möchten, werden Euch in Eurem Seelenlicht berühren.

Es sind Worte der Heilung, Worte der Wahrheit. Auch viel Heilenergie, möchte Euch zuteil werden. So wisset, es ist die Wahrheit, welche Euch heil werden läßt. Denn nur die Wahrheit, die Ihr lebt läßt Euch in Eurem Ausdruck der Schöpfung erstrahlen. So öffnet Euch für den grünen Heilungsstrahl, der Euch durchfluten möchte. Ich, Hilarion, wirke in Bereiche, die oftmals in Euch verschlossen sind. Ich blicke in Räume and this will open for you. Because the more open you can watch for yourself, the more you will know the truth can see in you. Know that it is the truth that will expose all the blind spots in you. It is the truth that leads you to your true essence that you are in reality.

But man, has taken over the course of his earthly Earth years the truth of others. You did a truth that covers your true essence in you. You say you have adjusted. You have you adapted to what you were told what you were taught. You adapted to the what you have seen. Still, You take a lot of truths, but not your own truth. For your own truth is a very different reality. That what you really are, can you not capture in your human imagination. But you can feel it. For know, the flame of truth is ever present. It is always present and active in you. You can not forget you. So begins from now on, welcome to your inner flame of truth in you. Allow yourself to accept your own truth in you. This means that you shall begin to trust yourself. way that you should begin to focus your attention on yourself.

Many thought patterns and conditioning in you, you always manage to help your energy auf das Außen zu lenken. Ihr seid so beschäftigt mit dem Außen, dass Ihr Euch selbst die Möglichkeit nicht einräumt, um zu erkennen, dass das wahre Leben in Eurem Inneren existiert. Es ist nicht das Außen, was Euch zu Eurer wahren Essenz führen wird, es ist Euer inneres Sein. Es ist nicht das Außen, dass Euch zu Eurer inneren Wahrheit führen wird. Dass, was Ihr in Euch fühlt, dass was Ihr in Euch wahrnehmen könnt, ist Euer wahres zu Hause. Doch Eure ganze Aufmerksamkeit ist immer an das gerichtet, was Euch davon ablenkt nach Innen zu blicken. So ist auch oftmals eine Angst dahinter. Die Angst vor sich selbst. Die Angst, sich seiner eigenen Wahrheit zu stellen. Denn es ist viel bequemer, sich vom Außen ablenken to leave, than to stand still.

So this is now clear words of truth that are addressed to you. I've already told you at the beginning that I would be directing words of truth and healing to you. Know, love, universal love of unity is given to you all. You are always protected and supported. We know that it is the veil of oblivion, forgotten you, let who you are. We know that you are manipulated. You will manipulate, so you are constantly distracted. You are distracted, so you do not begin to discover your own light within you. For if this revived again in you, then you will go in search of your true self. And that means dass Ihr wieder frei werdet in Euch. Dass Ihr wieder ganz werdet in Euch. Ihr werdet beginnen eigenständig zu werden.

Ihr werdet nicht mehr die Wahrheit anderer übernehmen, da Ihr erkennen werdet, dass dies nicht Eure Wahrheit ist. Und das führt Euch in Eure Eigenverantwortung und läßt Euch somit zum Schöpfer Eures eigenen Lebens werden. Doch solange Ihr Euch ablenken läßt von äußeren Umständen, werdet Ihr Euer eigenes Licht in Euch nicht wahrnehmen können. Ihr werdet dadurch von Euch selbst weggetragen. Ihr seid permanent auch mit Euren Sinnen im Außen beschäftigt. Vor allem mit Euren Augen, mit dem was ihr zu sehen glaubt. Wir wissen, sich seiner eigenen Wahrheit zu stellen, bedeutet auch to look. In addition to seeing the blind spots, the shadows that you want to prevent them from living that what you are. But we ask you to close your eyes no longer. For this your locks you what you want to be given. And above all, your locks before you yourselves

Know, first by the fact that you recognize your blind spots and recognizes can and will happen in healing you. Healing in your deep interior. Know that you your heart is the source itself. Know that you never have to go where. You are already arrived. You exist in the eternal NOW, and have it always. We know that is unimaginable to you. But acknowledges EVERYTHING you surrounds all people, all what you can see with your eyes, everything is the light of the source. Everything you will hear is the light source itself how could it be otherwise? You have never left this place. A separation is done in reality, never. But in your consciousness have split your light beings share. In your consciousness you feel a separation from the love of the source.

know, but that is an illusion. We can see how real is this illusion for you. All images that you perceive outside again, are you for real, we ask you therefore, as I said, to see with your inner eyes, the world. Focus your attention on the seemingly invisible, allowing you that the world takes in you room. Allows you to open dimensions, spaces that were previously hidden from you. Know, to know the truth, requires no great knowledge. Many light workers often believe they must acquire knowledge of this and that. There must be met such and such conditions, before you wake. Know the truth can not know you, but you can feel your inner truth. You can recognize this in you.

And you can see them because you can feel it. It requires no great conditions to wake up. Know that you're already awake. You are awake, which is your consciousness. Feel into you tell us yourself: I AM awake! Merkt Your what these three words trigger in you? Feel into you in if your aussprecht these words. This feeling is and you will be very familiar. The awakening is taking place for each other. Every man feels his awakening individual. But we ask you that you do not make yourself dependent on what is there to do everything we can until we are able to awake. Know, all of which open to the reality, you are awake already. You are already opted out of the twilight, in which there are still many people.

Remember, your consciousness has been raised already. Your swing now in a higher frequency, which you is not even aware of yet, perhaps. But acknowledges the more you dedicate your own truth, the more it will be felt by you. You will know that it's not the outside, what brings you to your interior. We can not tell you often enough. Your truth, you will find only in yourself No one can reveal this to you, and this would have to assume you can for you. But you is not under pressure. It is important that you feel the lightness of it and the love of the source that surrounds you always. Know that you can promote anything. Have Geduld mit Euch selbst. Denn je mehr Ihr das annehmen könnt, so wie es sich jetzt darstellt, desto mehr könnt Ihr in Eurem Sein ruhen.

Desto mehr seid Ihr in Euch zentriert und Ihr seid im Hier und Jetzt. Denn es ist das HIER, was Euch befähigt, die Wahrheit hinter allem zu erkennen. Wenn Ihr auf Menschen trefft, oder auf Situationen die in Euch Unwohl auslösen, blickt dahinter. Schaut hinter den Vorhang und erkennt für Euch selbst, was ist die Wahrheit. Was ist Eure eigene Wahrheit. Dadurch, dass ihr Eure Aufmerksamkeit darauf richtet, werdet Ihr für Euch die Situation durchschauen können und bleibt somit darin nicht verhaften. Ihr könnt Euch selbst immer wieder überprüfen. Beginnt Euer Leben zu durschauen. And the best you can, if you recognize your own truth and this annehmt.

I invite you to visit the temple of truth. I am the guardian of the temple. I invite you to take it place. And then the flame of truth within you feel. Let your whole body to flow through it. Open your palms and collects the light, what you would like to be given. Take it on over your hand chakras and feel like your body is filled with truth, wisdom, truth and love. Your whole body has now swung in a frequency that you can be healed. Let it happen and let you on the matter. If your in this frequency swings, then you are open in your truth for you. Take it for what it is now revealed for you. Does not question it, do not worry. But simply feel what happens in you.

let you flood the light of the temple. All of you have, you always like to spent time there. For it is like a light bath. A bath of regeneration. Archangel Raphael will accompany you out of the temple again when you are ready. And if you go out of the temple, then open your eyes. Look around in this world where your befindet.Und then you set the intention to take your place. Your place here on earth. For each one of you has a place. It's up to you, this place to claim that you and meet with your light. Know that it is your place and nobody can and will take it away yourself. Feels you inside. Feel how it feels when you realize your place here on earth, take possession. Know by this inner attitude, you will always be healing in you. You will thus begin to recognize the reality of conscious levels.

More and more, you will be raised in your body vibration in your consciousness. This will happen by itself. So be full trust and confidence. Trust that you are immersed in the love of God. That you always shared by all masters, angels and light brothers and sisters are. Power You aware of this. You are always surrounded by us. The more you open yourself to the reality, the more you will feel your own light within you, and can accept. And then you will see that the separation is an illusion. The apparent separateness will be deleted and you will awake from a dream. Keep this in your consciousness firmly. There is no separation.

I am Hilarion, the guardian of the temple and the flame of truth. May you give the green ray of healing, hope and support in this level where you find yourself. Know you are loved beyond measure.

The love of creation, the source itself, you should investigate. May you rise lift, so you always can see more of who you really are. Know that the goal is near.
Therefore be blessed on your way to your own truth. Greetings in the light of universal love, which is given to you, all the time!


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