Friday, January 14, 2011

Best Dishwashing Soap For Soft Hands

Dein Kontakt zur Engelebene - Engel begleiten Dich

angels accompany you ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..

I remind you is a pleasure to join with your personal angel group to share your angel, your angel to higher self. It is also becoming an archangel and his light frequency to be present.

your personal angel group consists of 7 angels and your guardian angel. Everyone has this angel is incarnated as he got set aside. Your guardian angel watches over you, as you aside and points the way to you. He is the man so familiar that he did not consciously perceive. Your guardian angel is solely intended for use in your incarnation for you to be there.

Each angel your personal angel group has very specific tasks and functions, but all act together as a group and therefore speak in the WIR form to us. They are like the colors of the rainbow, as notes of a scale. These angels know your soul mission and you want to help. The contact with you is very light-bringing, loving and enriching.

is one of the biggest tasks you now is to open your awareness of your angel self. And this has also always the Archangel, who now can you best support. There is also considerable all other angels, such as the Elohim, participate if they are needed. With their energy to awaken within you your Engel shares, so you can see for yourself again that you are not separated from the plane. The point is that you will return you aware that the angels do not exist outside of you, but that they are a part of you're a part of them like you.

And that would be for you experienced and felt. They will also let you send loving messages that help you now on your way is best. I receive by the angels, who are one with your soul, always exactly what you now serves the most, and you'll accept for you. But mainly it's about the fact that you again as a unified being with the angels consider learning. That it is palpable to you again and that you also wear those high angels share in you.

We are multidimensional, we have so many aspects and facets of creation in us. Be it the angel self, the star itself, the high level of self, etc. The more we are aware of all these aspects, the more we will realize that EVERYTHING is in us and thus the single-class consciousness champion unfold in us. We will then realize that is not separate from us. That no light is being outside of us do, but that we are inseparable from all beings in our consciousness, all the time!

Das gesamte Channeling wird auf CD aufgenommen.

Dauer ca. 1 Stunde
Ausgleich : EUR 70,00

  Ein paar weitere Informationen :
Informationen über die Engel, sind natürlich endlos, doch hier ein kurzer Einblick

Die Welt der Engel ist eine Welt der Einheit, voller Frieden, Liebe, Wärme und Geborgenheit. Die Engel haben niemals eine Trennung erfahren, sondern sie leben beständig im Bewusstsein der Unit of light.

angels are like the messenger. They were created by God and form a bridge between the planes and narrowness of the human kingdom. They are high light forces and emit their light in the highest love and wisdom without limitation, evaluations or judgments. They wrap everything life with their love and oscillation frequency. They lead the people into a higher consciousness, so that it can open itself to the higher dimensions and narrow planes. But the angel of light always respect the free will of people, yet they are always at our side, even when we direct our attention not on her.

you with us constantly and we are always to the side, especially in difficult situations. They act on the universal language of light through dreams, intuitions, or various notes. Know if a feather falls on you, then angels are near you. Angels communicate in different facets. One must be very attentive to the characters consciously perceive.

angels are born from the heart of the source, they know no sorrow, no pain, no darkness and darkness. Nothing can harm them. Its light pervades the entire creation. Before the man left the consciousness of unity, it was natural to work hand in hand with the narrow planes. They taught the people very much and everyone knew about the use angelic energies for the good of creation.
So we support the angels here, our mission to fulfill here on earth. Angels from all levels want us to help you.

The small planes are filled with an infinite number of angels, but here is every angel is unique in its form, in his light.
There are different spheres of the narrow plane just to name a few, for they will never end:

sphere of seraphim and cherubim and thrones
realm of archangels and powers
sphere of the angels and guardian angels
sphere of nature Angels and Earth Angels

For us men are the most tangible and perceptible:
guardian angel
your personal angel group
natural and Earth Angel
Elohim, the Creator angel

The soul of the people and the angels spring from one source of all being.
But man withdrew from the unity consciousness of the angels and masters, from the heavenly realms. By compaction the vibration of the earth heard the man is the separateness of all that is. But the more now increases the vibration of the earth and man simultaneously raises its vibration, the people will re-open for these heavenly beings.

They are the angels carry back confident and learn to be guided by them. Kin the stand in childhood closely in connection with the angels. This channel closes, however, when they wrapped the veil of oblivion. But now the time has come, open again for these angelic realms. Thyself have someone accompany embraced by the angels, and they are always there for you!

message of the angels of golden light

Greetings from the angelic realms with peace, love and blessings. We are the angel of the golden light and we'll send to your personal angel group, the frequency of the angel-fits-all love. We are delighted that we can be in this form with you and you can be so close. Know that we are much closer to you than you can imagine. We exist in your consciousness and are not outside of you. So we know that it is for your mind not tangible and comprehensible, but in reality all is one and indivisible. Everything springs from a consciousness of one source of all being.

And the more you open it and expand your consciousness, the more you will know that you have so many possibilities. Creation is so versatile, so multi-faceted. Filled with beautiful colors, tones and sounds. You have the opportunity to develop you in all directions. You can create vibration fields, you can still be creative. Anything can arise in your consciousness. You can pick your heaven on earth created. But for this to happen it is important that you expand your awareness and therefore now has the task of the media, you realize again to remember your angels share.

We will let you feel that you have never left this plane and that all present time is NOW and HERE. It is always possible to connect with all beings and levels of connection, because everything exists in your consciousness. When you are here come to earth, many possible components of your Monadenseele have remained at higher levels. However, these shares would now be re-awakened and re-recorded in your consciousness. And that means that your you will realize this more and more clear in your true nature. And this, it needs your permission and your true intention, that all these units to return to you consciously. It requires an openness to allow all of this again. For it is the dedication that all these can cause for you and will cause. We see that it is not easy for you to be open to all those levels again.

Many fears and doubts, uncertainties and can not believe leads you all the time. Often you will feel so much already, but your unconscious fears then make sure that your closing you for this. But know this will now all be getting easier for you. More and more people gather, who have similar vibrations. And thus you will yourselves against each other courage and confidence to go on. You will become in Eurem Glauben gegenseitig stärken. Denn der Glaube ist ein sehr wichtiger Aspekt, den Ihr auf Eurem Aufstiegsweg benötigt. Denn wenn Ihr nicht glaubt, ist es sehr schwer für uns, zu Euch in Euer Bewusstsein vorzudringen. So öffnet Euch für all das, was in Euch geschehen möchte und geschehen kann.

Doch haltet an nichts fest. Nichts müsst Ihr festhalten, denn alles ist immer wieder neu in einem jeden Augenblick. Nichts werdet Ihr verlieren, denn es wird immerzu Neues hinzugefügt werden. Je mehr Ihr von Euch in die Welt tragt, desto mehr wird zu Euch fließen, ganz automatisch. Haltet an keine Lehren fest und an keine bestimmten Wahrheiten. All die Lehren, die Euch vermittelt werden, sollen Euch an Euer wahres Wesen erinnern. All dies, was Euch zur Verfügung gestellt wird soll Euch an Eure wahre Essenz erinnern. Doch wisset, Ihr könnt Eure Wahrheit nur für Euch finden. Niemand kann dies für Euch tun. So geben wir Euch durch all die Medien, Heiler und Lichtbringer die Möglichkeiten zu wählen.

Ihr alle habt die Wahl, wozu Ihr eine Resonanz verspürt. Nehmt all diese Botschaften und Lehren in Euch auf, wo Ihr das Gefühl habt, dass dies auch Eurer Wahrheit entspricht. Doch wie wir schon sagten, haltet an nichts fest, sondern nehmt alles in Euer Bewusstsein auf, was Euch auf Eurem Weg der Meisterschaft dient. Denn wie Ihr wisst, Ihr befindet Euch inmitten Eurer Meisterschaft hier auf Erden. Ihr are on the way to the master consciousness and all that you will be given to you is this. Everything will be made available to you, many spaces are open. And the more people enter these spaces, the more you can create a united humanity. Each of you has so much to give, with as much knowledge in itself. Each of you has such special skills.

We know that this often causes problems to you to take your abilities. That you're not worth it yourself to take those skills at all. But let me tell you, you are worth it. It is your heritage. And all the beings, star beings and natural beings, all the ascended masters, and above all, in this case The angels want to help you discover your potential and again to develop this and live. Thus uses these aids, you are given. Be inspired by this support and take them to guide your Meisterschaftsweg here on earth. We, the angels are by your side, we support you and show you many possible solutions.

The density here on earth, you lose part of the clear view of the essential, for the here and now. So we called in your consciousness and we will remind you again that you are limitless beings, beings of light, nature origin all, the one source. The existence of a source level, all contains. You yield to give and let you increasingly sensitive to the level of reality. You will see how miracle will manifest in you.

silk with confidence that you're always out. We are the angels of golden light, we greet you with great love and great gratitude. We thank you that you are all ready to accomplish more and more to your way of light. The fact that you are ready to unite all levels in you again, and thus more and more there may be a merger. A merger is with everything.

We bless you with the golden corner frequency of the planes and we accompany you. Now feel that we you are at the same time feel that you have nothing to fear. You will know that your life will change with us, if you like it. For it is the free will of every man, which way he wants and which path he chooses.

We love you immensely!


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