Sunday, January 2, 2011

How Much For A Kidney Transplant In China

Review (s)

Liebe Leser

die vielen, vielen Aufträge vor Weihnachten und meine angeschlagene Health - forced me to take a break sometimes - even by blogging. Therefore, it has recently come very, very quiet in here with me.

But I would not miss the opportunity to wish you all a


! !!!!!

Otherwise, I show you now just a few pictures - of Christmas, New Year, sewn contracts etc ... - A short review, what in the meantime, here in "Hansel & Gretel - Land" is done so ;-))))

Review Christmas

Rückblick Silvester

Review contracts

Hier mein neues Lieblings-Model 2011


Ich wünsche allen noch ein paar ruhige Stunden, bevor uns der Alltag wieder hat.

Ganz, ganz liebe Grüße

Eure Michaela


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