Thursday, January 13, 2011

How To Import Mp3 To Reason

Dein Sternengruß von Deiner Sternenheimat

Lasse touch you deep from your star brothers and sisters in your soul, so Your star can light within you shine. It gives me great pleasure to you your star star greeting from your home through your star brothers and sisters who are always with you forward.

The star power is an aspect of you, like the angels energy. Are all aspects of your soul, your consciousness. And the more you aware of these shares will be re-uniting you and in you, the more you will remember back to your source to which are what you really are. You will see this more and more that you are multi-dimensional and you all carry within. We are all from one source created themselves and yet each is unique.

Jeder ist ein besonderer und wichtiger Stern hier auf Erden, genauso wie Du und  das möchten Deine Sternengeschwister für Dich wieder erfahrbar und spürbar werden lassen . Sie sind 7.-dimensionale Wesen, ihr Licht ist rein und sehr hochschwingend. Sie möchten Dich wieder an Deine kosmische Herkunft erinnern und Dein Sternenselbst in Dir erwecken. Du wirst von den Frequenzen der Sternenebenen tief in Deiner Seele berührt werden, sodass eine Verschmelzung in Dir stattfinden kann.

Du erfährst auch den Namen Deiner Sternenheimat. Es ist jene Sternenebene, auf der Du Dich am liebsten aufgehalten hast. Deinen Geschwistern liegt es am Herzen, dass Du Dich wieder für die Sternenwelten open it, your gaze upward judge you again and you will realize that the star levels are a part of you. You also can find out your star name and its meaning.

your star brothers and sisters you know very well and send you also loving messages that you can now help you on your path best. Often they speak in language Dir star The star language with a very high vibration and deep into your soul. It heals and clarifies many areas and your memory of your self is reinforced by Stern. Many vowels often can not be translated into human language and thus they often choose the star language. You will be very familiar with this language because it is the universal language of light.

your star brothers and sisters are always in touch with you, and they have a very great pleasure to return to our consciousness.

All channeling is included on CD.
Duration: 1 hour
compensation: EUR 70.00

La `una of the Pleiades star level

Greetings your beloved Star here on earth. The star of the Pleiades light welcomes every one of you who read these lines now. Because while I work now through the medium, the star power flows in those words with a. They may touch you deeply and remind you of your own star. It gives me great pleasure to be at your side. So I am speaking now on behalf of many star siblings of various star levels.

They are all connected with you and are a part of your soul. Know that you are equipped with so many different aspects and all these aspects have brought you, as you are here come to earth. And your self-Star is one of them. We look at you and see resistant shine your starlight. It shines so bright and full of brilliance. It is the light within you that connects you to all star levels. The more you this broadcast, the more visible you are for all beings of light and star beings. And for this reason, we now return to your consciousness so that more can always create a oneness. The fact that the illusion of separation removes more and you can see you again as a united humanity in the light of reality.

Still, the veil is very dense and obscure your view. But the more you open yourself to your inner light, the more you will illuminate the darkness. We see that the path through the darkness seems endless, and we feel your desire to arrive finally in the light. Know that we are by your side and support you, but you must sometimes the way alone in the dark. For it is your path in your Meisterbewusstein inside. And this means that it is important that you will own. That you always longer recognizes that it is you who hold the reins in his hand. But we will do you provide what you need to do so.

you go this way is not alone, because it is our intention to carry out together with you the path of ascension. Because for us it means a great event and we therefore want to do everything to make the transition to the 5th Dimension is easier for you. We can produce many star-beings and the star power in this present modern age, a large aspect. The more people are again open for all these frequencies of the cosmos, the more energy can flow to earth, but not limited to the earth, especially in your heart. The more people are opting more and more now on the path of light, the more it will allow us to get you to further meet. For it is always by your willingness and openness. The more you are willing to recognize you as a cosmic man, the more you expand your consciousness.

remembrance will take place within you, and peace will spread to you. You will then be able to feel our presence grow stronger and for you, the more attainable reality. Thereby increasing their resting in your presence and be the anchor for the people who still want to continue to learn in duality. You will these people from your heart can see, from a higher view of the light. And the higher your swing in your consciousness, the easier you can touch people all in your soul, so that you too can rise more and more and can lead to a new world. A world of peace and harmony.

Thus doth recognizes as being the star that you are. Many star gates will open to more and more. Stargates, which has long been sealed. Behind these doors are light chambers ancient knowledge, many medical technologies that were developed on the star levels and continue to be developed. All this will be available again and you will commit all of these chambers and get the knowledge from there for you. For, you will use this knowledge. Many new therapies are now reveal themselves gradually. Cures and knowledge, which was not yet on the earth there. Many star lights of you will bring many new things on the earth.

wurdet So you now all the time and be prepared for even more prepared. Even at night, we train you, so you will then be firmly anchored in your light. Because the earth needs your light, you need your knowledge, so that advancement can take place continuously. Even the people who need your help. So it will be your task to lead people and to support them in their awakening. Together with the worlds of light, a new earth will be created. And you are all co-creators, so that our beloved Lady Gaia again blossomed into the star that she is original. So you can see more and more the reflection in it. For as the earth turns once again to its origin, it is done in Euch Wandlung. Auch Ihr werdet wieder zu dem Stern, der Ihr in Wirklichkeit seid.

Und darum bitten wir Euch, geht Euren Weg weiter. Nehmt alle Herausforderungen an und habt Vertrauen, dass Ihr allezeit geführt seid. Wir sind beständig an Eurer Seite und dies soll Euch das Gefühl geben, dass Ihr nicht alleine seid. Und dieses Gefühl wird sich in Euch einstellen, je mehr Ihr Euch in Eurem Bewusstsein ausdehnt und Euch empor hebt zu dem einen wahren Wesen. Denn dann wird sich die Trennung in Euch auflösen und die Seinsebenen werden sich in Euch vereinen. Dann werdet Ihr Euch angekommen fühlen und Ihr werdet keine Trennung mehr spüren. Wir sehen, wie sehr Euch diese Trennung belastet. Wir sehen often appears to you that your despair and life on earth as in maze.

You have to imagine this so that you find yourself with your current awareness in a hologram. You know only this reality you have created yourself together with the collective. In your human consciousness, there are no other worlds than this, that you know already and you move the. It is like a room with many walls and your energy runs were, from one wall to another. This space is for you very limited, but you know no different. But in essence of your soul you feel your boundaries, in this essence you can feel that your a high level of starlight, are high beings, with different vibrations of light. can

and remembrance you become more and more awake. This memory will not leave you calm and so you are constantly in search of your true self. That case, know your true self can not search you, you can not find it in you. The more you back to your true origin of remember and this memory can be part of your consciousness, the more you can find yourself. Then it will bring to every man, in all that is. Because everything is a part of you and nothing exists outside of your being. We ask you this limited world, in which you live, to leave more and more.

we mean the world of duality. The world of value, condemnation, jealousy and envy. The more you combine the poles in you, the more you will you be aware of the unit immediately and will open in all of you clearway. You will then begin to look at the world from a different perspective and to illuminate. For a man who is well aware of his light is always in love and in joy. Never evaluates a master of light in good or bad. For in the unit do not exist such assessments. This was created by man himself in his unconsciousness.

Know the quality of time in which you yourself is now supported you very much in your awakening process. You will notice that will alter your senses, your perception will change and expand constantly. This is done simply by you allow more and more are in the dedication. And dedication you will fall most easily if you give up all expectations and evaluations. It is important that you hold on to nothing, for all that you hold fast, keeps you trapped in a low vibration and you are permanently closes the new, which would flow to you. But we also know that this is a maturing process in you. Place thyself is expressed not under pressure but Eure Absicht, als ein hohes Licht auf Erden zu wirken. Wählt das Leben im Licht das nie enden wird.

Strahlt aus Eure Sternenkraft, erkennt Euch an als ein Sternen-engel-wesen auf Erden. Lebt und liebt das Leben hier auf Erden. Ihr habt nichts zu befürchten, auch wenn die Herausforderungen noch groß sind und auch werden. Vertraut beständig Eurem Licht in Euch und wisset, es gibt keine Herausforderung, die Ihr nicht meistern könntet. Denn als hohe Lichter auf Erden, seid Ihr in der Lage alles mit Eurer Liebe zu bündeln und zu vereinen. Ihr seid in der Lage Verknüpfungen zu schaffen und Schwingungsfelder zu erzeugen, sodass sich ein Sternenmeer offenbaren kann. Ein Sternenmeer, angefüllt with wisdom, beauty and love.

Together with you, we will create a new world. All Star races of different sibling planets of Lady Gaia will unite with you. They are your brothers and sisters and Stern are looking forward to seeing you again. Because only together with you, that your lives here on earth, we can achieve great things. The earth is now your home. But equally, it was also the star levels and narrow planes. Know, now exists not only here on earth. By your multidimensional being at the same time you do well at other levels.

And that's what we want to make you aware once again that all levels exist in your consciousness. Can and will be an amalgamation of all aspects of your place in you. Also you will you your shares higher again, and become aware then climb to a higher dimension. This means the emergence of your consciousness. And the fact that your swing so high, you'll Lady Gaia even more to support the ascension process.

beloved high lights, we send you the blessing of the stars. We sprinkle star dust on your head, so you penetrate this until all your cells.

I `La una of the Pleiades, and I look forward to meeting with you!

Und so ist es !


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