Melek Metatron - Das neue Schöpferjahr
Greetings in the light of the Shekinah. Are welcome in this new creation year that you began in your earthly existence now. I greet with great joy and deep and Ties, as much great things can happen in you. I am Metatron MELEK and let these words of joy now write through the medium.
But it is in your intention to take all these tools and to embed in your consciousness. It is important that everything gets into your consciousness, because that can happen maturity in you. So you'll eyes can judge of reality and you will see truth. You will have the language, the universal language of light, see you again. You will know the way of your heart and become more and more by leaving the world of reflections. All the projections are directed back to your people, situations, or the like, are in the light transform. You will transform them with your light, because you will realize that there are your projections. Thus you will begin to see the truth in you. You will take any unnecessary compromises, then you can also see that this is not your true nature.
For what benefits you extended your confidence, if you continue and permanently compromises? Often long before you feel that this is not for you or that is coherent. But your fear in you, you can always freeze in your interior, so there you it is often not possible to break through your fear patterns. But know this will come to you easier and easier all your fears to overcome. For this you no longer serves. Your smallness benefit anyone. But if your growing your size, you are acknowledging your radiates more and more of your light in this world and the all-encompassing light can keep on growing. You will have the depth and strength of your light can take on more and more, and so all the fears and doubts will be made 'more and more of you, so your radiates more and more like a bright star.
this is important also that your draws your attention to your body. It is time that you experience the Trinity within you. It is time that a merger takes place this. A Merger with body, mind and soul. And this body vibration is of great importance. The more you ascend in your consciousness, the more energy your channels and your vibrational rate increases, more and more. But if it kept your body in a lower vibration, you can not keep that energy. You will have to struggle with fatigue, with fatigue and lethargy. Many things you will appear cumbersome and too costly.
Also, it may suffer the physical discomfort you can, because the light finds its way. You will always be rising up to higher frequencies and this, it is necessary that you also to your body auf eine neue Schwingungsebene erhebt. So möchten wir Euch nun nicht vorschreiben, wie Ihr dies zu tun habt. Ihr werdet es selbst spüren. Denn wenn Ihr beginnt mit Eurem Körper zu kommunizieren, werdet Ihr wissen was zu tun ist. Denn es ist nicht für jeden gleich. Jeder hat eine andere Empfindung und jeder geht seinen Weg nach seinem Tempo. Während der eine sich zB nur noch von Obst ernährt benötigt der eine oder andere noch andere Bestandteile der Ernährung.
So lasst Euch führen von Eurem Körperelementarwesen, es wird Euch sagen und spüren lassen, was Ihr benötigt. Es ist auch nicht immer gleich, was Euer Körper benötigt. So vergleicht nicht mit anderen, sondern geht in Eure own responsibility. It's your body and only you alone know what your body needs. But for one thing we ask you, will you aware that the meat you will not be used to achieve a higher level. So we want it now you do not forbid not to eat meat anymore, it's up to you. But we ask you to take it in your consciousness, what it does for you, if you ingest meat. If you eat meat, then feel conscious of your body, what happens in you. You will simultaneously receive your response to it.
begins So, you eat consciously, and take only the to you what you're really good. Also pay attention to how much you eat and what you actually needed in reality. Because often it is to take just a habit to eat in so you are distracted. And another aspect is manifest in you. You will begin to take responsibility on yourself. The responsibility will always take more space. You will know know that no one for your life, for your feelings and circumstances responsible. This recognition is an important step and an important finding. For this it is also necessary that you give your self forgiveness for all that where you think you have failed. Where you feel you have not acted properly.
You have done what it corresponded to your consciousness and at that time, you could not act differently than the way you did it. Thus doth not condemn it, because we do not. We will look with eyes of love, of perfection and wisdom. We know that it is not your true essence, which speaks one way or acts. It is your I, your mind that you can do things of unconsciousness. But the more you will become aware of your responsibility you will become conscious act, think and feel. Also, you will then consciously choose the language of light. And this means that you then will communicate from the source of one being.
But this does not mean that it is not clear may be words. For the truth is always clear and neutral, yet supports and flooded with the all-embracing love. Unconditional love is neutral and not evaluated. She holds not and condemns anything or anyone. These will expand more and more in you. The fact that you will see yourself growing in your light, you will also your fellow man no longer judge and assess, and, as you will be aware that you yourself convicted. And so are increasing unity consciousness in you and this is more and more and can then be embodied by you.
often reluctant pioneers many light your light and knowledge with people because you often Opinion, there are already so many that make the same thing. What should I bring already. My beloved earth angels who are you to me. Carry your knowledge and your light in the world, this is so important. Even though many apparently do the same, many media channel the same entities, healers pass on different techniques. You have so many opportunities to develop you. Ye know not the same, everything is unique because it is your energy, your embodies and gives it expression.
And the more people do this, the more the light can be anchored on earth. It does not matter what you do and be the inspiration for you, no matter how amazing, so do not believe your Understood, but is made to easily. It can happen to you and you can not do anything wrong, quite the opposite. You can thereby contribute so much for all of creation, so here is another truth can set on earth. If any of you anchored his truth here on earth, can a great whole. Because anyone can thereby develop more accessible.
Thus doth Be inspired as others make the world, but does not depend on you or you do not compare with you. But take it as motivation, that you are able to do so, your world, your heaven here on earth to create. We will do everything necessary for this purpose is available . Make The Archangels will accompany you. The media will have the task to anchor these high frequencies angels here on earth and at the same time also in you. We, the Archangels can bring about so much in you. So much is written about us. can be used especially for the problems our energy. But know that we can achieve much more, what you can not imagine you.
And we want to do this for you. It will report to exactly the Archangel, which you can now serve most of your waking in the light. We will penetrate you with the highest frequencies of light, the narrowness of planes and it will be experienced for you and your it will feel. And you will then see the same time that all levels are within you and you are separate from any level. You will increasingly be crucial in yourself, it will feel so, like a coming home. Much will be accomplished for you. Also, Merlin and Toth, true alchemists and world teacher, will accompany you.
They will teach you what it means to the matter through a light to be a true champion to walk here on earth. Many new things will be transmitted to you and you will start to open all your skills. For assume more responsibility you can for yourself, for all beings and everything are, then your in the situation with all Your potential deal to learn. And by this, more and more manifest in you.
your loved one who are you to me. Much change is waiting for you, many breaks. Shall be suspended within you, let the changes happen. Let all the past behind you and let shine your light in you. Be prepared to go into it in reality and to awaken it. If you could have dared this step 1x will feel, you know that you always have taken this reality in you and that there always was in every moment. Your soul essence will become a flame of fire and the flame burning in you, always and forever.
I bless you with my love, mit dem Licht der Quelle. Ich sende Euch im Namen aller Erzengel die Liebesenergien der Engelebenen. Sie mögen Euch den Weg in Eure Herzen ebnen, sodass Ihr spüren könnt, dass Ihr allezeit behütet und getragen seid.
Öffnet Euch nun für all das NEUE, was Euch zuteil werden wird. Bleibt nicht mehr länger verhaften in der Welt der Dualität, der Bewertungen und Verurteilungen. Beschließt für Euch, den Weg des Aufstiegs zu gehen. Beschließt für Euch, Euren Weg, Euren Meisterweg zu gehen und seid der Meister. Der Meister Eures Lebens, Eures menschlichen Daseins hier auf Erden. Macht Euch auch bewusst, dass Ihr nicht nur Mensch seid, sondern dass Ihr ein hohes Licht seid, ein Licht that is on the way into the infinity of creation. You go into the eternity of being. You return home and you are closer to our goal than you think.
I greet you, I send you my love I have for you, and this is immeasurable.
Melek Metatron I am and I am happy to be with you here and now and always!
You are so loved more than you can imagine.
During this period now, which has come for you now to open a space for you. An area that is now expanding further and further. Where your place will, so you always can see everything that it is your inner room, which can also open outside for you and will take. You know this, it requires your inner willingness and openness. Your intention and your will, you move into this space. to overcome all your fears and doubts to exercise the courage within you and use it. Much will be made available to you, many doors will open for you.
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